Pokémon Go trainers have their work cut out for them if they want to unlock access to Mega Houndoom. All players must work together to complete the Mega Battle Challenge, which tasks everyone in the game to help bring the total number of battles to 275 million before it ends. If they do, Mega Houndoom becomes available in Mega Raids. It will be a formidable foe to take down, and those who gain Mega Houndoom energy to power their Mega Evolution. What are the best ways to remove it?
Weaknesses of Mega Houndoom
Mega Houndoom is a dark and fire type Pokémon. It's weak for Fighting, Rock, Ground, and Water-type Pokémon, giving you a pretty good variety of choices for the raid. You and your friends can use a variety of lists to remove it. You want to avoid using Dark, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Ice, and Steel type attacks because it is resistant to those moves, especially Psychic type ones.
Pokémon to counter Mega Houndoom
The top three picks to go up against Mega Houndoom are Swampert, Rhyperior, and Kyogre.
Swampert is a Ground and Water-type Pokémon, which makes it a great choice for taking out Mega Houndoom. He won't be able to adequately resist Mega Houndoom's Dark-type attacks, but he can optimize Fire-type weakness against it and won't take too much damage for those attacks. He has a max CP of 2, attack of 974, defense of 208, and stamina of 175. The best moves he can learn are the water pistol and water cannon. Unfortunately, the hydraulic cannon is a legacy move, you might want to stick with that when you know how to surf.
The next Pokémon you want to have on your roster is Rhyperior, the Ground and Rock-type Pokémon. Much like Swampert, he doesn't have proper resistance to Houndoom's dark-type attacks. He has a max CP of 3733, attack of 241, defense of 190, and stamina of 251. The best moves you can teach him include the smack down and rock wrecker. Rock Wrecker is a legacy move, so it's best to use the earthquake for its charge move.
The last optimal choice of Pokémon against Houndoom is Kyogre, the legendary water type. It's a formidable Pokémon, but difficult to capture, so if you have one you should definitely make sure it's ready to be available for the raid. He has a max CP of 4, attack of 115, defense of 270, and stamina of 228. The best moves you can show off include the stunt and hydraulic pump.
You want to complete your roster with other reliable Pokémon to create an outstanding team to take down Mega Houndoom. Make sure to use Conkeldurr, Terrakion, Machamp, Tyranitar, Garchomp, Hariyama, Groudon, Kingler, Lucario, Empoleon, Gyarados or Gigalith. After defeating Houndoom, you have a chance to capture a Standard with the possibility of it being Shiny.