First Samurai, which is shown in some screens as The First Samurai, is a platform video game which features a samurai from ancient Japan projected into the future.
The video game was developed at first for Amiga but was later converted also for Commodore 64, Atari ST, MS-DOS and Super Nintendo Entertainment System. There is also a sequel to First Samurai, called The Second Samurai. The story is set in Japan, where a demon kills the master of a young samurai. The monster is confronted by a magician, who defeats him but does not kill him: the demon in fact flees into the future, in the XNUMXth century, where the young samurai chases him to avenge the master.
Our hero hunts the demon through various scenarios: from the countryside to modern cities, from undergrounds to swampy lands. The enemies are varied but all rather gruesome, while the levels are large and complex, with multidirectional scrolling.
To pass each level you need to find the road that leads to ultimate monster, which may also require the discovery of certain objects. In First Samurai the protagonist can crouch, jump and even climb vertical walls. Attacks are instead divided into kicks, punches and slashes when wielding his trusty sword.
Select OPTIONS from the title screen and:
Hold L + R + X + A and press RIGHT: 1-2
Hold L + R + X + A and press DOWN: 2-1
Hold L + R + X + A and press LEFT: 2-2
Hold L + R + X + A and press UP: 3-1