Castlevania is a video game developed by Konami in 1999 for Nintendo 64. This is the first three-dimensional chapter that is part of the homonymous saga.
The videogame is set in the year 1852 and the protagonist is the warrior Reinhardt Schneider, who arrives near the castle of Dracula with the firm intention of putting an end to the existence of the latter. Although his surname is not Belmont, Schneider belongs to the same bloodline as Simon, Christopher and Trevor and, not least, he inherited the fruit. Vampire Killer, always owned by the Belmont Clan.
Reinhardt meets Carrie Fernandez, a 12-year-old girl who is orphaned of parents and has a dark past. The little girl is endowed with magical powers and is a direct descendant of Sypha Belnades, a mystic who fought with Trevor Belmont, Alucard and Grant Danasty the dark forces in 1476 in Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.
Our heroes, new characters, together with the graphics 3D are the real novelties of the game, permeated by the classic atmosphere of the other Castlevania. Armed with a dagger, whip, blessed crosses and holy water, Reinhardt can count on Carrie and her magical arsenal of fireballs and other magical projectiles.
Defeat the bull in Castle Center and return to the white crystal to rescue. Open the chest and collect $ 2.000. Then save and load the game and reopen the chest. Repeat the operation as many times as you want to have infinite money.
If you spend more than $ 30.000 on items purchased from the vendor demon Renon, Renon will attack you and you can face him in battle.
Castlevania - Nintendo 64