Riot Games' 5v5 competitive first-person shooter, Valorant, is all about players doing split-second reactions. The faster pistol may win, but the more accurate shooter who uses their abilities wisely will have more consistent wins and succeed with a reliable group. Since the game is designed to be competitive, will it have a ranked mode?
At the moment, we don't have concrete or certain details on an upcoming Valorant ranked mode. However, because Riot Games is portraying the game as an intense and competitive shooter, we can guarantee that a Ranked Mode will be in place shortly after its summer 2020 release.

A Ranked Mode may not be in-game when it is first launched. Riot Games may want to spend the first few weeks observing how players provide information about the game, change gameplay to balance systems, or give the community enough time to play it. The matches consist of two teams of five players taking on the roles of attacker and defender. This is the best of the 24 rounds, which makes them fast, giving players plenty of strategies and tactics to use each time.

Ranked mode can be remarkably similar to Riot Games' other title, League of Legends. Before its release, we may be able to use it as an optimal model of what to expect from the game when the competition heats up, and players have a ranking associated with their skills and consistency of their winning match - losing. Due to his team spirit, we can expect players to have the opportunity to party with their friends and work across the ladder, working together.
Those who play with ranked may even have a smaller round-to-round internal income savings to buy guns each time. However, at this time we don't have too many clear details on how this will work.
We will learn more about Valorant's Ranking System in the future. But don't expect it on day one. You might be disappointed if you jump into the game expecting it.