Collecting all the Dime Detective magazines in Mafia: Definitive Edition is undoubtedly a painful task. Each of the 20 is away from common areas and will certainly put a few miles on your vehicle. Players will need to collect a fair amount of it in Story Mode, as some locations cannot be unlocked until you reach certain chapters. To make it easier to track your progress, we've listed each location under the issue name and number.
1. Please pass the poison

Meet at the Saint-Pierre docks at the southern end of the central island. You will want to climb the stairs to the house which is at the water's edge. You will spot the collector's item sitting on a gray table.
2. Let the skeletons click

This Detective Dime is only available in Chapter 19 when Tommy is inside the Grand Imperial Bank in North Park. Head to the second floor and enter the first room on the left. You will see the problem near the window.
3. Look at me!

In the middle of the Oakwood neighborhood, there is a road at a dead end. In this street, enter the last house on the left. In the living room, there is a magazine on the coffee table.
4. Post-mortem A Pimlico

In the heart of Central Island, there is an underground parking lot. In the garage there will be a ticket office to the left of the entrance. This is where the fourth number is, on a large wooden desk.
5. The corpse that was not there

At the northern end of the Central Island, go to the upper level of Lost Heaven State Prison. In the corner, there is a gigantic switch that you will have to flip to open the cells. After that, head to the fourth cell and the magazine will be on the floor.
6. Happy murder to you!

It's a cake walk. Enter Biff's house in Chinatown (a location mentioned on the map). Walk past Biff and enter a hallway with a sofa. On this piece of furniture, the Dime Detective is seated.
7. You can die any day
This issue can only be found during Chapter 14: Happy Birthday, as you are on a ship not found on the map. Even if you have already gone through the section, you can replay it in Chapter Selection in the main menu. When you are on the ship, go up the stairs to the upper deck. Proceed to one side with three barrels standing alone, and the store will be nearby.
8. You are the crime in my cafe

You can find this magazine by visiting the larger house in the Beech Hill neighborhood. Inside there is a library at the rear of the house. Near the shelves on the left is a silver cart with the collector's item on top.
9. Death blows on the candles

South of Old Crow Pond is a fairground. One section of it will feature a set of small white huts. The one closest to the middle will hold this ninth number.
10. A horse from another killer

Near the Côte Saint Paul, in the Downtown district, there is a large diner with several tables inside. Approach the table closest to the bar where there is a magazine.
11. Weather Fair Track Bloody

This location is quite a distance from town, but the location is part of Chapter 9 - if you want to kill two birds with one stone. The eleventh number will be west of Durham Pond and Heaven's Peak in a barn. On the right side of the building is a back room, and the magazine will be on a sterile shelf.
12. Hay seed homicide

This will be discovered when searching around the Clark Motel. You can access the hotel by looking at the top right of the game map. Once you arrive, go to the courtyard by taking the path on the right. You should see the magazine sitting on a pile of wood in front of you.
13. Mexican Slayride

Go to the Corleone Hotel in the Downtown District. Once you've entered through the main entrance, take the door on the far right next to the stairs. Walk through the janitor's workspace and enter the manager's office. This problem is posed on his desk at the back.
14. The devil wears red heels

The fourteenth issue will be at Salieri's Bar - which is north of Works Quarter. Go to the weapon room above the garage. The collector's item is on a workbench at the back of the room.
15. Sealed with a Kris

The second and final magazine for Lost Heaven State Prison can be found outside the guard tower. Instead of going inside, take a door behind you that says “leave us”. On the right there is a bench with the problem.
16. Feather your coffin

This document is located in the federal customs pound in the work area. This is highlighted on the map at the bottom right. On the second floor there is an office with a handful of desks and typewriters. The one closest to the window has the collector's item on it.
17. Tin-Pan alibi

At the airport, east of the North River, there is a hangar with a handful of planes. Behind a plane are two cars and a few crates. This magazine is on one of these boxes.
18. Live and let die

Go to downtown St. Michael's Church. Walk down the aisle and you will see a painting of Christ on top of a cabinet. The eighteenth number will accompany the painting.
19. The Lady of Hades

At the Corleone Hotel in the city center, go up to the top floor and enter one of the bedrooms with an open window. From there you can go up to the rooftops. The collector's item will be on a white patio table with many beer bottles on it.
20. Death gives a permanent wave

This will be between Little Italy and West River Tunnel near a red and white mobile home. The problem will be on top of a wooden crate next to the front door.