How to win at Dota Underlords? This is the question that preoccupies many in the community, but with all the options available to create a roster, it turns into a question of choosing Dota Underlords' strategy.
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While there is a plan to create a guide to the general mechanics of the game, today in this topic I will be focusing on a specific team that has been very successful for me personally, so I hope by sharing you will have the same kind of success.
2 x Druid, 5 x Warrior, 2 x Scaled, 2 x Knight, 4 x Savage (final build) 1. Tusk 2. Enchantress 3.Batrider 4. Treant Protector (The Prophet of Nature) 5. Pudge 6. Slardar 7. Lycan 8 Abaddon 9. Medusa 10. Troll Warlord
Because the group of 2 Druids are very strong very early on, apart from Enchantress, we choose the Protector of Trent or the Prophet of Nature simply because they are level 2 so available at the start of the game. Build them only up to 2 stars, then wait for the name of Lone Druid, two stars, and replace the previous one.
Alliances in order of importance Bonus 2 x Druid A simple 3-star unit can be a game-changer very early on. 3 x Warrior (5 in the final version) 10 armor per unit 2 x Magic Resist at 30% scale for all allies 2 x Heartless -5 Armor to all enemy units 2 x Trolls 35% Speed Attack for two trolls. 2 x knight 15% less physical and magical damage for 2 knights 4 x Savage 25% Att. Damage to all allies
The table above shows the quantity of resilience provided by this build, making it a defensive powerhouse while still being able to take out the majority of teams with Medusa and two trolls.