Welcome to our preview of the Last Hero Standing Heroic Magic Duel event! Here, we'll talk about everything this event has to offer and include some general advice on the optimal deck composition for this event.
What does the Last Hero Standing Event bring us?
And most importantly, it introduces the new Mythic minion, Lord Sumrak. You can earn this minion by reaching 900 Skull Tokens, but you'll also have a small chance to collect it from one of the Mythic Chests available to reach certain milestones (at 45, 135, 270, and 495 Skull Tokens). On top of that, there are two Simple Chests (10 and 90 Skull Tokens), two Craft Chests (190 and 370 Skull Tokens), and a Deluxe Chest (695 tokens) just waiting for you to grab them.
The Last Hero Standing event is again played against 7 other players, but these battles are a little different from your regular battles. First of all, the health of player portals is significantly improved and each match is time-limited (1 minute and 30 seconds, except the last match which lasts 10 minutes). Each match in the Last Hero Standing event is significantly shorter, which is why it's a good idea to focus on cheaper Mana cards (up to $ 6 mana) and discard the giant cards. Time is running out to use Abomination. and similar cards. Since the goal is to be the last man standing, it might seem like a good idea to just play defense, but this is another interesting mechanic that this event brings that discourages this style of play. The mechanic I'm talking about is the damage bonus.
Damage bonus
Although this is called a damage bonus, this bonus is actually applied to both heal and damage from minions. You can only gain this powerful bonus to your minions by dealing damage to the enemy portal. That's why it's not a good idea to just play defense and try to survive every turn. Let me tell you this: if you focus on defense, you will probably survive the first game, but you will not do significant damage to an enemy portal. In the next round, you will probably face an opponent who has won. health and damage buff. Even if you survived the second game, it will only get worse in subsequent games where you will likely be up against opponents with 20-30% stronger minions. The moral of the story is that playing aggressively in this game can be very beneficial.
Now let's take a look at the damage and health bonuses, as well as the damage it takes to the portal to get it.
Level 1 -> 2: + 10% (40 damage)
Level 2 -> 3: + 20% (40 damage - 000 total)
Level 3 -> 4: + 30% (50 damage - 000 total)
Level 4 -> 5: + 40% (80 damage - 000 total)
Change the composition of the bridge
Before each match, you can switch decks and change cards, heroes, and their spells. I really like this feature, because you can quickly switch builds if you think something else will work better against a specific hero.
Considering the time limit turned on in Last Hero Standing, it looks like rush decks like Rolling Rocks, Ravenous Scourge, and other mafia maps, in combination with Bloodstalker and Soul Leech, are the way to go.
I really like the change of pace this event brings and for me it is much more interesting to fight against other players for rewards. Another very cool thing about this event is the ability to participate as much as you want (no special items / torches are needed) and it is actually possible to earn the final reward, Lord Sumrak, if you play well and enough long time.
Hope you enjoyed our preview of the latest Heroic Magic Duel permanent event. Please feel free to post a comment as we greatly appreciate any feedback from our readers.