Last Battle: Fukushimon, the mobile game for Android and iOS, is the first video game inspired by the recent nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan on March 11, 2011. This is a Hyper-Casual title developed by Dawn Dice, designed to entertain people. but also to raise awareness of the disaster and this terrible moment in history which happened a little over 8 years ago. The game features the devastating aftermath of the event, along with an immersive storyline and unique gameplay mechanics.
The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. After Chernobyl, it is the second most serious nuclear accident in history and has been classified as an event level 7 on the international nuclear events scale. It started on March 11, 2011 with the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. The plant's active reactors shut down automatically when an earthquake is detected. However, after the blackout, the diesel generators started running and feeding the pumps, which set off a chain reaction. 46 minutes later, a 14-meter-high tsunami arrived and submerged the lower levels of the factory, which only neutralized the safety and security measures. Three nuclear fusions and three hydrogen explosions then took place, resulting in the release of radioactive contamination into the air.
The Last Battle mobile game is entertaining, but also attempts to raise awareness about environmental pollution and nuclear research. Its story is closely tied to the gameplay, according to the press release. One example is that in the game, players will be attacked by mutated radioactive fruits, which have eyes and are called the "Fukushimon". The course of history is to save the world from a nuclear attack. The game is free and available on both Google game et iTunes App Store.