Borderlands 3 Update 1.21 patch notes
- Release Notes
- Fixed a potential progress blocker created when Xbox Series X users | S connected to a map before the host and interacted with mission objectives in multiplayer
- Updated vehicle spawners to not activate when another player has started going to another map
- Added support for the legendary Linc anointing pistol
- Adjusted damage to weapons thrown by Tediore
- Fixed a reported concern that ending the Apply Terror Anointing action skill only applied a single Terror stack
- Updated Siren's Infusion and Expression skills to work with the Cryo item
- Updated Siren Ascendant skill to work with Expedite
- Updated Gunner's Iron Cub to receive action skill damage bonuses from class mods
- Adjusted Gunner skills Desperate measures, stroking embers and scorching RPMs to work with Iron Cub
- Fixed a reported issue where the Beastmaster's Cmdl3t class mod was causing pets to behave oddly
- Adjusted the appearance of Agent's Devil Raider skin on head customizations
- Fixed a reported issue where the Hot Spring Grenade Mod would continue to heal players after the area of effect ends
- Players participating in the Arms Race will now start with Full Healing
- Skill Points earned during the Arms Race have been changed to update without the need to save / exit
- Updated minimap to track party member locations in spectator mode
- Changed the timer bar in the Arms Race to correctly display the remaining time during the "Kill the Harker Heavyweights" objective
- Mission weapons will no longer stay in a player's inventory during the arms race
- Fixed a reported issue where action skills would not unlock correctly during the Arms Race when a level one character leveled up
- [Xbox Series X | S] Fixed a reported issue where a player's controller could continue to vibrate through a loading screen in some cases
- [Xbox Series X | S] Addressed a reported issue that caused the controller to vibrate when loading into a map if you were using Iron Cub
- Fixes
- Activate the Clear Skies Arms Race mini-event until January 28 at 8:59 am PT
- Speed settings
- Baby maker
- Increased weapon damage and rate of fire
- Sled shotgun
- Increased weapon damage
- Scorpion
- Increased weapon damage
- BearCat
- Increased weapon damage
- Baby maker
Borderlands 3 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and Google Stadia. For more information on this update, visit the official Borderlands website.