Animal Crossing: New Horizons Fish Prices Guide
If you want to know what's worth keeping and what you need to release, just check the price below. It's by Alphabetical Fallen, so you can scroll until you want to check. As you can see, prices range from 100 bells for a tadpole to 15 bells for a coelacanth.
Anchovies - 200
Angel fish - 3000
Arowana - 10 000
Crossed Knife Claw - 5000
Barreleye – 12,000
Betta – 2500
Bitter - 900
Black Bass – 400
Blowfish – 5000
Blue Marlin – 10 000
Bluegill – 180
Carp - 300
Catfish - 800
Char - 3 800
Cherry salmon - 1000
Clownfish - 650
Coelacanthe - 15 000
Crayfish - 200
Take Crucienne - 160
Buffer - 300
Dace - 240
Football fish - 2500
Freshwater Goby - 400
Golden trout - 15
Goldfish - 1300
Guppy - 1300
Hammerhead shark - 8,000
Mackerel Horse - 150
King salmon - 1800
Koi - 4000
Loach - 400
Mitten Crab - 2000
Murène - 2000
Neon Tetra - 500
Oarfish - 9,000
Ocean moonfish - 4000
Witch flounder - 800
Pale Chub - 200
Pike - 1800
Piranha - 2500
Pond smelt - 320
Glowing Eyes Goldfish - 1300
Pufferfish - 250
Rainbowfish – 800
Ranchu Goldfish – 4500
Ray – 3000
Red snapper - 3000
Ribbon eel - 600
Salmon - 700
Bar – 400
Sea Butterfly - 1000
Seahorse - 1100
Softshell Turtle - 3750
Soothe - 500
Stringfish – 15,000
Sturgeon - 10000
Suckerfish – 1,500
Sweetfish – 900
Tetard - 100
Tilapia - 800
Thon - 7 000
Whale shark - 13
Yellow perch - 300
Zebra Turkey Fish - 500
To me, anything under 500 Bells just isn't worth going back to Nook's Cranny to drop off and sell. I prefer to continue fishing. And once you understand how the silouette indicates which fish you are going to catch, you can start skipping one that you are sure you are. So I hope this helps you to be more productive in the game.