In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, summer is the season for being outdoors, swimming in the sea and basking in the sun. Now is also the time to catch some bugs. Throughout the summer, a Bug Off will take place every fourth Saturday of the month, on the following dates for the Northern Hemisphere:
- 27 June
- July 25
- 22 August
- 26 September
What is a Bug Off?
Bug Off is a competition to catch as many bugs as possible in the space of three minutes. There is no need to worry about the quality of the bug in this event - you will be awarded points solely for the number of bugs you catch. Check any flowers and trash you may have left behind so you can grab some quickly. Every bug is worth a point with a sacred clothe two point bonus if you catch three or more bugs. There are other bonuses if you play Bug Off with friends:
How to join a Bug Off
First of all, it should be noted that you will only have access to Bug Off if you have upgraded the resident services on your island. As long as you've done that, Flick will show up on the fourth Saturday of the month and host the event from 9am to 18pm. For fun, talk to Flick (he'll hang out outside Resident Services). The first Bug Off is free, but after that it will cost you 500 Bells each time you play.
How to get rewards
You will receive trophies once you reach these milestones: 100 points, 200 points and 300 points. Points can also be redeemed with Flick for these insect-themed furniture:
- Handcrafted insect cage
- Bug Aloha Shirt
- Insect cage
- Butterfly wall
- Butterfly backpack
- Butterfly wand
- Ladybug umbrella
- Ladybug rug
- Spider Door Plate
- Spider web
- Termite Mound
- Centipede toy
- Cockroach toy
By redeeming 10 points, Flick will randomly give you one of the above rewards. He will stay on your island after the Bug Off ends until 20 p.m. and sometimes visit during the week as well. If you're trying to get all the insect related paraphernalia, it's going to take some work, but it's worth it for all those bug lovers.