Animal Crossing: New Horizons covers the seasons. Running in real time, much of the gameplay varies with the seasons. Crafting items, fish to hang, plants and insects to catch change with the season. Some change during the season. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, the game was released in early spring. In the southern hemisphere, it's fall.
Cherry blossoms, or sakura in Japan, are a seasonal delight. And they are Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Getting them is quite simple and beautiful.

How to get Cherry Blossoms in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
The good news is, you already have them. The bad news is that beautiful pink petals are entirely dependent on the season.
Each island comes with three types of trees: cedar, hardwood, and fruit. For the purposes of this guide, we are only concerned with hardwood. Deciduous trees are generic-looking trees that do not produce fruit. They may seem like a nuisance when compared to your pears, cherries, and apple trees, but don't overlook them. Not only do they provide a good amount of wood, but in the last months of spring the green leaves turn into pink blossoms that drift around the island.
The seasons are reversed between the hemispheres. Each season spans three months. For example, in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is March, April, and May. In the southern hemisphere, spring is September, October and November. In the Northern Hemisphere, the cherry blossom season begins in April, the second month of spring. We're not entirely sure, but it should follow the same pattern for the southern hemisphere and start in October. When you start the game at the start of Cherry Blossom Season, Isabelle (or Tom Nook, depending on your level of play) will announce it as part of the daily news.
If you are looking forward to the pink blossoms, don't give in to the temptation and remove all those pesky funky hardwood trees to save space. Set them aside in a park or collect them on your personal property to see their beauty in the months to come.