So the cat is completely out of the bag, and Epic has officially started to announce information on Season 4, including previously leaked footage. The Herald comic has also appeared in the game and can be found on the Battle Pass screen, sitting on a barrel near the right side.

Season 4 appears to be tied into the Marvel comic book universe, not the movies, so things are going to be a little different than you expected. If you read the comics you'll be aware of what's going on, but if you don't, you can read on for heavy spoilers if you want.
If we stick to the game's comic book for now, it looks like Galactus has discovered the Fortnite universe and has every intention of eating it. Thor, worried that he won't have time to get everyone to safety, flies off to give us all a warning. Galactus arrives and he feels very munchy.

Heavy Spoilers Ahead - Who's the Herald?
Traditionally, the Herald in Marvel comics has been someone who paved the way for Galactus, finding planets to eat. Yes, Galactus enjoys eating entire planets, drawing energy into himself and retaining his divine powers and strength. Probably the most famous and well-known of all the Heralds, as there have been a few, is the Silver Surfer.
In the Thor series, written by Donny Cates and Nic Klein, Thor ends up becoming Galactus' herald. This gives Thor an upgrade and the Odinson becomes even more powerful than he was as the God of Thunder. The reason he did this is that a new threat appeared in the universe that was even greater than Galactus, The Black Winter. Thor also hopes he can evacuate everyone from the planets Galactus once ate using the Bifrost, saving billions of lives.
Extreme spoilers ahead
Without going into too much detail, in the recently released Thor # 6, Thor ends up killing Galactus upon discovering that the Mighty Being is in fact a servant of Black Winter. Thor had indeed played a long scam, slowly stealing the power from Galactus and then using it to destroy the World Eater.