If you want to get the Ghost Skye style, you'll need to complete 18 of Skye's Adventure challenges to access her secret mission. This mission will give you the choice of finding a Ghost Ollie or a Shadow Ollie. You will also need to be level 80 in your Battle Pass, both to access the mission and to complete it. To find the Ghost Ollie, you'll need to head to Frenzy Farm.
A very important point here is that Ghost Ollie will only spawn for you if you are wearing the Skye skin, so be sure to equip it before loading into the game, otherwise it will not spawn for you at all.
Ghost Ollie will appear near the large gray barn which can be found roughly the word 'farm' on the map, the exact location is shown in the image below, marked by the cursor.

Run and press the guest button to wear Ghost Ollie and you'll instantly switch to the Ghost style for Skye's skin. After that just finish the match as usual and when you are done the Ghost style will be added to your collection.
Starting next week, it's going to be the Midas challenges we'll try to complete, and we'll have 20 new challenges over two weeks, just like all the other Agents. We are also slowly approaching the end of the season, which should take place at the end of April.
Midas is the latest agent to get his assignments, and by our calculations those two weeks should run until April 30, when the start of the next season is supposed to take place.