This is the second week of Deadpool's challenges in Fortnite. Something is wrong with some players and the missions are not completed correctly for some people at the moment. There's not much you can do except wait for Epic to fix the affected players issue.
For everyone else, you can complete the challenges and then get stuck in the new challenges in Brutus's Briefing. This is definitely not the last week of Deadpool's challenges, so if you don't see them in the game yet, fear not there is still a lot of work to be done before we all get to cosplay as Merc with a mouth.
Where's Deadpool's milk carton?

To find Deadpool's Milk Carton, simply click on the Battle Pass tab and then the vent to enter Deadpool's secret room. You should be able to see the milk carton right next to the washing machine, tucked between it and the broken door.

Unfortunately, the challenges haven't hit us yet, but we'll update the image above as soon as Epic fixes the issue.
If you need help with the rest of the Deadpool challenges, we'll keep a comprehensive guide, adding to it weekly as new challenges are revealed. There are also new challenges for Brutus Briefings, and we have a full list of guides to help you out too.