The Floating Rings make a return to Fortnite in Chapter 2 of Season 3, Week 7, but this time they can be found in the Weeping Woods. This wooded area was revealed by the receding flood waters, and the trees hide secrets.
This is definitely the trickiest week in the Floating Rings, as they're all found on top of the trees, so you'll have to make your way up to them to get them. There are five rings in total and they form a rough inverted L shape along the eastern and western borders of the Weeping Woods.
You will either have to fall directly on them, or you will get into them. If you are doing the later, be sure to build a structure that cannot be pulled easily from underneath you.

Floating rings 1

The first floating ring can be found on a tree northwest of the Secret Shadow Base.
Floating ring 2

The second floating ring is almost directly in front of the secret shadow base.
Floating ring 3

The third floating ring can be found southwest of the Shadow's secret base.
Floating ring 4

Floating ring 5

The Battle Floating Ring can be found south of the campsite in the Weeping Woods.
You can find the rest of the challenges from Chapter 2 of Season 3, Week 7 below: