Troop Trees determine the quality of Soldier you buy from an individual in a town in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord. The higher the rank and nobility of the person you are talking to, the better the troops they can provide you, which means they will cost more. Those in small villages can only offer you recruits, while those with some influence in the world have the potential to provide you with archers or gun fighters.
You can find several different troop trees in Bannerlord. Many of them are associated with different factions, which means you have to travel to different parts of the map to locate them. Not all sites will have them. They're spread across different parts of the world, so if you're looking for a particular faction to lean towards, or want a specific type of troop, you'll need to venture to that faction's side on the map, or find a town aligned. with it, to find the troops you want to add to your army.
You can always research the type of troops you can recruit in the in-game encyclopedia, and you might want to do this to get an idea of what kind of troops you want to branch out to when you get closer to the larger armies in the world. There are a large number of specialized troops in the game, and some of them only evolve as stronger troops at a significantly lower rate or do not have an expansive tree. They can only have one line of troop upgrades, which can be up to two. Some have four different trees, starting with a recruit and later becoming a veteran warrior.
Here are the troop trees for each of the factions available in the game:
- Sturgien
- Sturgian Recruit
- Sturgian lumberjack
- Sturgian Hunter> Sturgian Archer> Sturgian Veteran Bowman
- Sturgian Brigand> Hardened Sturgian Brigand> Sturgian Horseman
- Guerrier sturgien> Soldat sturgien
- Lancier sturgien
- Sturgian Shock Trooper
- Veteran Sturgian Warrior
- Berserker sturgien> Ulfhednar sturgien
- Lancier sturgien
- Sturgian lumberjack
- Khyzait Nomad
- Imperial Recruit
These aren't all the specialized little troops in the game. These break down the more generic ones you're bound to find while exploring Bannerlord and you start to expand your army. You want a diverse set of troops at your command, so be sure to find the ones that fit together and choose from the recruits who can continue to grow as they travel with you. Plan your army wisely and study more specialist troops than you find in the in-game encyclopedia.