If you are planning to participate in the “Star Days” event in Patch 29.8.0, simply go to Ticker and exchange Debt-Bonds for items in the “Star Days” Event Store. There's a great new item is the Eros Wing Ephemera, which is a sleek wing set that can be used in tandem with a syandana, and it can be colored to match your Warframe (or not: I'm not going tell you how to do it) enjoy your FashionFrame).
Warframe 'Star Days' Patch 29.8.0 Patch Notes
The Star Days have arrived!
Visit Ticker in Fortuna to hear romance stories and provide Debt Bonds for loving items such as the new Eros Wing instinct, Ticker Floof and more!
Improved handling of auto-vsync for lost images.
Auto-vsync works by monitoring the current average frame rate to decide if you're currently running fast enough to hit your screen refresh rate: if your system can't keep up, we turn off vsync. The theory is that people generally prefer a bit of tearing to the jerky steps of the frame; this is absolutely essential if you are crashed below 30FPS, as the next step of vsync would lock you in at 20FPS. This approach works quite well in a lot of cases, because on modern screens the tear isn't even visible (and if you're playing Windowed or Borderless, the system will likely hide it completely).
The problem is, you can poison that average with a really bad over budget frame and it will disengage from vsync for a few seconds until the average recovers again. You could see it easily if you went to your arsenal from the ESC menu, wait a second, then exit - there would be a really bad hitch and as the camera came back to where you were in your ship it would rip up because vsync has been disabled.
The new code uses a simple filter on the average frame time calculation to ignore these bad frames (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winsored_mean if you're curious). We will always optimize the causes of lost images, but in the meantime this should greatly decrease the ugliness they cause.
Activation of systemic micro-optimizations for PC versions (using SSE3 since our minspec needs it for a long time).
Fixed memory swelling that could occur when running in Dx12.
Hitch eliminated when loading world status window.
Made a lot of rendering optimizations on all platforms.
Take advantage of that little dump of integrations accumulated during this rendering optimization process.
Optimization of the memory footprint of the Dx11 rendering
Performed numerous DirectX 12 rendering optimizations
Micro-optimization of the Dx12 rendering
Micro-optimization of the Dx11 rendering
Systemic micro-optimizations of rendering on most platforms
Carrying out micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Micro-optimization of the Dx12 rendering
Performing a completely unnecessary optimization of the postFX configuration
Systemic micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Performed a number of Dx12 rendering micro-optimizations
Carrying out a micro-optimization of the rendering on all platforms
Some rendering micro-optimizations on all platforms
Carrying out micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Carrying out micro-optimizations of the Dx11 rendering
Systemic micro-optimizations for rendering on all platforms
Systemic micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Systemic micro-optimizations for rendering on Windows
Systemic micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Carrying out micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Systemic micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Micro-optimization made to DirectX 12 rendering
Carrying out micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Carrying out micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Performed several micro-optimizations of the Dx12 rendering
Carrying out micro-optimizations of rendering on all platforms
Systemic micro-optimizations for Windows, XB1, PS4 and PS5
Performed micro-optimizations of the improved rendering engine
Carrying out a micro-optimization of the rendering on all platforms
Carrying out a micro-optimization of the rendering on all platforms
Carrying out a micro-optimization of the rendering on all platforms
Realized a tiny micro-optimization of rendering on all platforms
Performed unnecessary micro-optimization for open world rendering on all platforms
The Cambion Drift Bounty "Kill More Infested Than Grineer" objective will now count exactly double (50% vs. 100%) as a success for the "Double Grineer Kills" bonus objective.
This also fixes the loss of the Bounty bonus if the Grineer kills after completing the objective during the end of the VO objective. As reported here.
Improved the Vasca Kavat Starter Kit Market icon to better display what is in it.
Updated the title of "Death March" Nightwave Act to "Cold Steel".
Fixed a spike case in The Limbo Theorem Quest that could prevent you from progressing, putting you in an inescapable state of limbo (ar ar ar).
Fixed getting trapped on the Ayatan screen when attempting to “Visit Maroo” through the Ayatan screen.
Fixed instances of area control bounties constantly failing in the Plains of Eidolon due to required enemies spawning on the other side of the Plains.
Fixed some cases where Unairu's Void Shadow could become permanent.
Fixed the restoration of Martyr Symbiosis Vulpaphyla Mod Health that was never removed and therefore stacks perpetually, making you immortal.
The logic behind the Martyr Symbiosis is that the Vulpaphyla sacrifices itself to heal you after falling below X% health.
Fixed the description of the Martyr Symbiosis Mod claiming an incorrect% Warframe health. It now shows 10% per rank instead of 5% per rank initially claimed.
Fixed Martyr's Symbiosis mod health FX link showing when Vulpaphyla's stored health is at its maximum 40%
Fixed Bonewidow's Meathook working against Coildrives and Dropships. As reported here.
Fixed Grineer Manic never successfully attacking a player if his target had a melee weapon equipped for the mission. Previously, the Manic was 100% stunned.
Fixed Moa Blitz Eximus playing humanoid animations when performing their explode ability, which looked pretty disgusting. They will now use a stomp!
Fixed a torn heavy weapon's rate of fire curse affecting your equipped mainbow.
Fixed the Frostfall Ephemera FX persisting on the Orbiter, even after being unequipped or changing Warframes.
Fixed the bodies of regular Shield Spearmen looking like their Defense variants.
Fixed dirt disappearing on Gral's Kubrodon Floof when viewed at specific angles in the diorama.
Fixed Nightwave diorama music not stopping when exiting a Glassmaker diorama before the end.
Fixed bad Nightwave voiceover when viewing Glassmaker episodes 4 and 5 dioramas
Fixed missing scroll bar in Nightwave's "Tune In" screen to display all acts.
Fixed cases where the client UI would display the localized language of the hosts.
Fixed some quest icons in Codex not showing 'locked' visual distortion.
Fixed the missing FX plotter on the Deth Machine Rifle.
No more fixes for Teralyst spawn sound being too loud.
Fixed Gral's Thumper Floof having a [PH] name and description in Nightwave Cred offers.
Fixed a harmless script error when Venari reappeared in the simulation.
Fixed a script error when streaming Slash Dash from Excalibur.