The challenge itself will take the form of a big tournament (US ONLY) that will be orchestrated by famous content creators and “influencers”. The price list is quite long with the highlight being a real life
How to join the tournament and available prizes
There are a few requirements and rules for joining the specific event, and we'll list them below, according to the exact instructions from the official website.
1. How to participate.
The influencers listed below (each an “influencer”) will post tournament schedules (each a “registration period”) on their Instagram and / or Twitter accounts on or around February 11, 2021. To have a chance to participate in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links 4th Anniversary Tournament (“Tournament”) log on to Yu-Gi-Oh! Twitch.tv channel on Twitch.TV/OfficialYUGIOHChannel (the “Channel”) on February 11, 2021 during the registration period. A tournament moderator will randomly select viewers logged into the channel during the registration period to participate in the tournament.
- ProZD, Instagram: @ProZD and Twitter: @ProZD
- Kripparrian, Instagram: @CasualKripp and Twitter: @Kripparrian
- Slushii, Instagram: @SlushiiMusic et Twitter: @SlushiMusic
You must download the game to participate in the tournament. All entrants must have a valid email address, Duelist ID, and active TWITCH.TV account, and must provide Sponsor (or parties acting on behalf of Sponsor) with the entrant's first and last name prior to entering.
2. Start / end dates.
The tournament starts at 15:00 p.m. USA PST February 11, 2021 and ends at 20:30 p.m .: United States PST February 11, 2021.
3. Eligibility.
Entry open only to legal residents of the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia and Canada (excluding the province of Quebec) who are at least thirteen (13) years of age on the date of entry. Minors must obtain the consent of their parents or legal guardians and acceptance of these Official Rules before participating.
** For more information regarding tournament eligibility, please visit their official website.
4. Random Drawings; Phases of the tournament.
There will be two (2) phases of the tournament (each a “phase”). Each with price as shown in this section 4 and section 5 below
** For more information on the Tournament phases, please visit their official website.
5.Available Price (s).
There are eighteen (18) prizes available to be won, as follows:
There is a ton of additional information and details about the event, so it is highly recommended that you check their official website as mentioned above. The tournament rewards are exceptionally good, so anyone who is eligible to join and will actually participate in the Seto Kaiba Virtual Challenge, better start practicing now because the competition will be extremely fierce. Good luck to everyone!