Titan Blood is one of the most valuable currencies in Hades. You need Titan Blood to unlock new aspects of weapons that will allow you to progress further into the underworld. The weapon aspects allow you to further customize your weapons and in-game experience. Typically, you will need five Titan Bloods to fully unlock the Zagreus aspect of each weapon and 15 or 16 Blood Titan to fully unlock each. other aspects. With the choice of weapons being so important in the game, players will want to get their hands on as much as possible. Here are the best ways to farm Titan Blood in Hades.
Miserable broker
The Wretched Broker is the best way to get pretty much all of the in-game valuables. The items available to the broker will change after each run. The broker should be the first place you visit each time you come back to Hades House. When Titan Blood is available through repeatable trades, it can be purchased for an Ambrosia. Sometimes it's also available through the non-repeatable limited-time offers for 15 chthonic keys.
Boss fights and punishment pact
Once you've escaped the Temple of Styx for the first time, Hades will give you the Punishment Pact to make each run harder. The Pact will offer rewards after each race based on the number of bounties you take. Each bounty will increase your heat level. The higher your heat level, the more rewards you will get at the end of each race. Rewards can include Titan Blood as well as Ambrosia, Diamonds, and most other valuable currencies.
Zagreus can also win Titan Blood by defeating the Furies and the Final Boss. Each Fury will drop a Blood Titan upon its initial defeat, just like the Final Boss. After their initial defeat, bosses will drop other items until you unlock the Punishment Pact and defeat them again at a higher heat level. Gradually increase your heat level to get as much Titan Blood as possible. Using this method, you will earn 252 Titan Blood by the time you complete Heat Level 20.
It's rare, but sometimes Charon will have Titan Blood available in his shop. Charon's blood typically costs around 1500 Obols. This purchase is only available in Charon's Shop in the Temple of Styx at the end of the Underworld. Luckily, it's easy to save a lot of Obols with the Night Mirror perks and some store items and souvenirs. Just increase your heat level slowly and go through Charon's shop after each successful run and you are bound to accumulate a lot of extra blood to upgrade your weapons.
Fatal List of Minor Prophecies
The Minor Prophecy Destiny List has five quests that can earn you a total of 29 Titan Bloods. Here are the quests and how to complete them: