The Masseter in Warframe, introduced with the Old Blood update, is Grendel's signature melee weapon. When used by Grendel, it grants him immunity to crowd control processes during heavy attacks. The weapon itself is a long barbed crankshaft that Grendel uses to crush his enemies.
Warframe - How to get the Masseter
You can purchase the blueprint for the Masseter from the Tenno Lab, but your clan must first do the research necessary to build the weapon, and then produce replica blueprints for the clan members. The usual multipliers apply, depending on the size of the clan.
Tenno lab research costs
- 10 credits
- 2 Rubia
- 1200 Polymer Bundles
- 1 450 Rubedo
- 3250 alloy plates
Foundry manufacturing costs
- 20 credits
- 2 argon crystals
- 650 Cryotic
- 225 Oxium
- 8 Recovery
Masseter Statistics
Below are the statistics for the Masseter:
- Mastery Rank - 8
- Type - heavy blade
- Attack Speed - 1.0
- Range - 2,9m
- Combo Duration 5s
- Black Angle - 55 degrees
- Impact damage - 135
- Puncture damage - 106
- Crit Chance - 24%
- Crit Multiplier - 2x
- Status Chance - 28%
- Stances - Whirlwind of Distress, Recovery Crane, Tempo Royale
The Masseter can be built as a hybrid weapon, with an emphasis on Critical and Status stats, due to its high base value in both areas. Cleaving Whirlwind allows for wide, swiveling, and spinning strikes, making it a very solid weapon for those who enjoy this style of play. Slam attacks also have a very high chance of knocking down enemies, giving great control over the shot. crowd to the people who wield it.
A version that emphasizes Critical and Status stats would be a great option, with an emphasis on mods like Condition Overload, Bloodrush, and Bezerker. The enormous crowd control potential, attack damage, and the right mods should keep Masseter alive in high-level fights, but he's not likely to burn enemies as quickly as some of them. your favorite weapons in the favorite endgame. . We'll have a full guide to our favorite Masseter build very soon.