Destiny 2 Destiny 2: How to get Vex Heroic Invasion and what is it? The Vex invasions have proven to be a heavy task for all Destiny 2 players to engage with while on the moon. They are the next step in obtaining quality equipment to prepare for the game. Shadowguard Raid. Destiny 2 Players who want to go above 900 are going to […]
Destiny 2 Destiny 2 - How to find Banshee's Workshop in the Tower Banshee has a new quest for us in Destiny 2. Completing it will get you the new Exotic Bow! The very first step is to try to find Banshee's workshop in the tower. Although this has been fixed recently, now that the quest has started, there is an easier way to access […]
Destiny 2 How to get Tommy's Exotic Catalyst Matchbook in Destiny 2 - A Good Match Getting your hands on Tommy's Matchbook, Destiny 2's new exotic assault rifle, is super easy to do. What's more difficult is getting the Catalyst to really unleash the full power of this weapon. Follow our guide to get the weapon, then go visit Banshee at the tower. […]
Destiny 2 Tribute quest to Matt Helsom in Destiny 2 Destiny 2 takes on a sad tinge this week as Bungie launched a special quest honoring Matt Helsom, a senior environmental artist at Vicarious Visions who has worked closely with the Bungie and VV teams on various projects over the course of business partnership. […]
Destiny 2 Destiny 2 : Guide to Exotic Divinity and Eyes on the Moon With the departure of the attack on the Garden of Salvation and its first world ending, the Vexes of the Sun Division are trying to get out of the Black Garden to invade the Moon, but the Guardians are ready to chase them back to where they came […]
Destiny 2 Destiny 2 Olive Error - What does it mean? Destiny 2: New Light, the latest expansion for the Shadowkeep game, and integration with Steam is happening nowadays. Indeed, Bungie has its hands full trying to balance these new launches. A lot is going on, and as the game moves from Blizzard's launcher […]
Destiny 2 How to start the Vex Offensive: Final Assault In Destiny 2 Vex Offensive: Final Assault has arrived in Destiny 2. This is the final stage in our battle against the Vex, which means attacking the Unchanging Spirit. The unchanging spirit exists in the thousands of realities, so we have to go into the black garden and destroy […]
Destiny 2 Hard Light: Get one of Destiny 2's most hated weapons Whether you think Hard Light is a soul-shattering sequence destroyer or a tool needed to become flawless, it doesn't seem likely that Bungie will nerf the weapon so many players wanted to upgrade. One thing's for sure, though: if you can't beat them, join them, […]