If you've been paying attention to Destiny 2, you'll have noticed that Savathun's eyes have appeared throughout the game. There are 50 of them in total, and these will be to use to browse the game and make her blink. Eyes play in an Exotic Quest that is currently hidden and will apparently only be able to be destroyed by an Exotic weapon that we do not have access to.
Eyes can be found on Io, Titan, Mars, Mercury, in The Whisper quest, and in the Prophecy Dungeon. To make your life a bit easier, we've found them all for you. We have guides that show you where to find the eyes on Mars, Mercury, Titan, and Io, and we've found some helpful videos to find them in The Whisper quest and The Prophecy Dungeon.
Keep in mind that you can't break them right now, but we'll update this guide when the actual quest goes live in the game.
You can find a guide with all the locations on Mars here, or use the video above that will show you how to get from the closest spawn point to each of the eyes.
You can find a guide with all of the Io locations here, or use the video above which will show you how to get from the closest spawn point to each of the eyes.
You can find a guide with all the Titan locations here, or use the video above which will show you how to get from the closest spawn point to each of the eyes.
You can find a guide with all of Mercury's locations here, or use the video above which will show you how to get from the closest spawn point to each of the eyes.
The Whisper Quest
The dungeon of prophecy