Counter Strike: Global Offensive has one of the most complicated ranking systems in multiplayer gaming. While the meaning and hierarchy of each of the different ranks and levels is fairly straightforward, how those ranks are earned is a closely guarded secret. Since the game's release in 2012, Valve has declined to reveal any details on how players earn their ranks. Fortunately, the eight years since the initial release have given many players a chance to experiment and error to get a general idea of how the system works.
Ultimately, the goal of any ranking system is to match people of equal or similar skills, so that everyone has a good time. It doesn't always work because of things like smurf, players bringing experience from other games, or new players who happen to be good, but Valve's complicated approach to their scoring system helps resolve some. of these problems. Another reason why it's so hard to figure out how to rank in CS: GO is because it makes the game more fun. If players don't know how the ranking system works, they can focus more on just having fun rather than ranking. Fortunately, after eight years of playing, a few tips have been found to help new players rank.
Win More Spins - Use MMR to Your Advantage
It sounds redundant, but there are many multiplayer games where ranks are earned by experience. In games like these, players can gain ranks even if they lose, which means that there could very well be someone who has achieved the highest possible rank in a game without actually winning one. single match. CS: GO is not one of those games.
While many popular games over the past decade have used an ELO system for ranking, CS: GO uses a heavily modified GLICKO-2 system. If you don't know what that means, that's fine; no one else either. In short, this system uses a lot of math with a bunch of variables to create an MMR or Match-Made ranking value. This value is basically a sliding scale which is based on your skill level and determines your rank. If you win more games your MMR goes up, and conversely if you lose a bunch of games your MMR will go down. In CS, you have to gain more turns to rank, and if you lose too many, your rank will drop. Luckily for new or average players, and unfortunately for world class players, MVPs and your K / D don't affect rankings, what matters are wins and losses.
The problem with MMR is that it is a double edged sword. Besides the specific MMR value, you are also assigned an MMR range. The lineup varies with each match you play to encompass the ranks available to you. If you stay in one rank for a long time playing the same way or in the same skill level consistently, your MMR range will decrease, making it more difficult to move up to the next rank and require more wins. If you play more inconsistently, matching different skill levels and changing ranks often, the range will increase, making it much easier for you to gain and lose ranks.
Play with friends
The good thing about this system is that if you have a lot of friends who play CS: GO, you have a clear advantage. Usually, when playing solo, you only play with other players who are within five rows of you. This is not the case when playing with a full party of five people. If you're in a party, you can go up against players higher in rank than you, but teamwork still gives you a huge advantage. Working as a team, even with little coordination, is much more effective in competitive multiplayer games than playing with a lot of hazards. Esports teams can be proof of this; the best esports teams communicate and coordinate effectively to win against other teams. This is also the case with CS. Even if you team up with only one or two friends, you can still communicate and work together better than an opposing team full of hazards. This leads to more wins, a higher MMR and therefore a higher rank.
It is practice makes perfect
This mantra has warmed up over the course of her life, but it is still very true when learning a new set of skills like those needed to improve yourself. CS: GO. There are several great ways to train and improve CS, both in-game and outside of the game.
Play more to the death both in competition and against your friends. Playing Deathmatch as a warm-up or practice can help sharpen your awareness. Unlike other game modes, deathmatch is a free game for everyone. It's each player for themselves, so the only way to do well in the type of game is to develop map awareness and learn to follow where other players are and what they're doing. The best part is that a lot of the tricks other players use in the deathmatch, they will be using them in other game modes as well so that you can copy effective tactics and learn how to dodge the most popular and used ones. This skill can easily be transferred to team play, allowing you to use the map to your advantage and stay on top of what your teammates are up to. Be careful, however, to promote good habits. In the deathmatch, it's easy to fall into the habit of "spray and pray" where you shoot anything that moves. In team play, your teammates move too and won't appreciate being killed by friendly fire.
Aim Lab is a free utility available on Steam that is explicitly designed to help people train for multiplayer games. It is essentially a virtual shooting range where players can practice a wide range of shooting and movement techniques. It comes with several presets designed to make the platform look like popular multiplayer games, including CS: GO, Overwatch, PUBG, and Rainbow 6 Siege, among many others. Aim Lab can even test your shooting ability to find out where you need to improve. It rates abilities based on six stats, including speed, perception, accuracy, cognition, and scanning. It also has plenty of drills to target any skill you want to work on, including sniping, flipping, and reaction shots. The most popular exercise is spider shooting, which focuses primarily on the touch but balances the other five skills quite well. The rig can be customized pretty much the way you need to be able to practice any shooting skill you want to work on.
Check your gear - keyboard shortcuts and mouse sensitivity
Most gamers stick to the game's default keyboard shortcuts, but you can change them however you like. This is something you should take advantage of. If the key you use to throw a grenade doesn't feel comfortable to you, or if you instinctively catch yourself pressing another key instead, change it. It can shorten your reaction times which can make a big difference during chaotic matches. While that doesn't help your reaction time, being comfortable does help the gameplay as a whole. Experiment a bit and choose what works best for you.
The sensitivity of your mouse can make a huge difference in gameplay and should change depending on your playing style. Many modern gaming mice like those made by Razer and Corsair allow you to change your sensitivity on the fly. If you're not sure your mouse can do this, try consulting the owner's manual on the manufacturer's website. For a simple FPS reading, you usually want a higher sensitivity. Higher sensitivities allow you to quickly switch views to check your blind spots and keep up with opposing players. The problem with higher sensitivities is that it can be hard to get used to at first and learn to shoot accurately. This is where Aim Lab or the Deathmatch comes in handy. Use spider fire with progressively smaller targets to get used to the sensitivity, then try it out in Deathmatch once you're confident with your performance in Aim Lab. Setting goals like “get 3 headshots this game” can also help you improve.
While higher sensitivity is essential when playing with assault rifles and other short to medium range weapons, the reverse is true for sniper rifles like the AWP. When zooming in on a sniper rifle, lower sensitivity is preferred. Instead of using the quick shortcuts common when using assault weapons, range play tends to require smaller adjustments to get a perfect hit. Using high sensitivity can mean you can try to make a slight adjustment and end up pointing straight at the ground.
Know your playstyle
It is difficult for many of us to accept. We all want to play a certain way, but just because we want to do something or really love doing it doesn't mean we're good at it. If you're really desperate to rank, find out what works and what doesn't. If you have really fast reaction times and charge the opposing team well, ditch the AWP and go for an MP7 or similar weapon at close range. If you are useless in a charge but are very precise and make quick adjustments in a minute, a sniper rifle might be the best choice for you. If you feel most at home pushing the other team away but you probably couldn't hit a stationary flowerpot, grab a negev and spray while your team takes care of any distracted opposition.