The Moon is Destiny 2's new patrol area, and it has plenty of Lost Sectors to find. In this guide, we show you how to access the Lost Sector of K1 Communion.
Destiny 2 - Location of the K1 fellowship lost sector
Keep an eye out for Eris Morn, then hop on your sparrow and head for the Anchor of Light. Continue past the first area, over the broken bridge, and continue towards the large building with the orange facing to the right. Jump off your sparrow, then run to ground level, under all the support slats at the very end of the building. There you will find a door leading to the K1 Lost Sector Communion.
The Lost Sectors have changed a bit and this one is much more demanding than the Lost Sectors in other sectors of the game. You have to clear the rooms to progress. The only way to remove the energy barriers blocking your path is to kill all enemies.
When you reach the last room, you must eliminate all enemies for the leader of the K1 fellowship lost sector to appear. When he dies, you can open the cover located on a platform at the back right of the room.
Enemies will keep spawning, so be prepared to fight your way. Now that you know how to get to the K1 fellowship lost sector, you can cultivate it however you like. If you want a video of the route to the Lost Sector, the embedded video above will get you there.