For a limited time Pokémon Go during the month of March, you have the option to tackle Darkrai. It's an exclusive raid that only lasts a weekend. Several other Legendary Pokémon, such as Cobalion, Giratina, and Lugia, also have exclusivity, giving Trainers plenty of opportunities to capture these fearsome Pokémon throughout the month of March. Darkrai is the first raid available which runs from March 6 at 8 a.m. to March 9 at 10 a.m. local time.
Darkrai's weaknesses
Darkrai is a pure Dark-type Pokémon, which makes it weak to Bug, Fairy, and Fighting-type Pokémon. You won't be able to optimize a variety of weaknesses because it doesn't have a double strike like some of the last Legendary Pokémon received. You want to avoid taking other Dark and Ghost-type Pokémon to fight it, and most of all you want to avoid using Psychic-type attacks against, as they will have little to no effect when fighting.
Pokémon to counter Darkrai
Your main options for taking down Darkrai include Machamp, Togekiss, and Heracross.

Machamp is a superb Fighting-type Pokémon. While it lacks a Study Defense, it makes up for it with raw power and you can go wild against Darkrai. You might want to have a decent array of defensive Pokémon to help it out while fighting Darkrai, however, to make sure you don't find yourself using a bag full of potions to keep your team alive. Ideally, you want to use a Machamp that has a counter and dynamic punch, karate kick and dynamic punch, block and cross, or block and close combat. You have a variety of options available to you with this Pokémon.

Then Togekiss is another great choice to take on this fearsome legendary. It is a Flying and Fairy-type Pokémon, and while it usually exhibits several significant weaknesses against it, Darkrai cannot exploit them like others might during a Pokémon battle. He has a higher solid defense than Machamp, and he comes with considerable strength. You want to use one that has charm and a dazzling glow. These fairy-type attacks transform Togekiss into an aggressive Pokémon, perfect for fighting Darkrai.

Another great choice is Heracross, the Fight and Bug-type Pokémon. It has two strike types capable of dealing a variety of damage against Darkrai during a raid battle. Heracross leans closer to Machamp in terms of being more offensive than defensive, but not so harshly. You want to use one that has a counter and close combat or a combat bug and a mega horn. You won't have as many options with Heracross, but it's a solid choice to use in this raid.
When you want to complete your Pokémon team to face Darkrai, you can include others such as Lucario, Hariyama, Gardevoir, Blaziken, Pinsir, Sawk, Scizor, or Gallade. There are different choices to choose from to participate in this fight. Remember to bring a handful of defensive Pokémon to keep you alive during battle.
Darkrai's limited-time five-star raids run from March 6 at 8 a.m. to March 9 at 22 p.m. local time. Make sure you don't miss this opportunity and team up with your friends to help. At the same time, you have to remember that the GO Rocket team will have their takeover event, so watch out for them, and Thundurus, which debuts this month, has five-star raids that will run all over the place. throughout the month of March.