Link in The Legend of Zelda is not only an adventurer / percussionist, he is also a music prodigy. Like many games in the series, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening features an Ocarina for Link to use to express his creative side and pull out some music-based magic. Once you have grabbed the ocarina you need to learn three songs in Link's Awakening you need to help you on your journey.
The ballad of the wind fish
The first track you'll learn Link's Awakening is The Wind Fish Ballad. You will discover this song of Marin, the girl who saved you at the start of the game. It is the same song she sings to wake up the sleeping walrus blocking your way to the Yarna desert.
Once Marin wakes up the walrus, you'll find her in Animal Village singing in front of an audience of woodland creatures. Talk to her there and she will teach you the Wind Fish Ballad. You can only get to Animal Village after completing the third dungeon, Key Cavern. If you're not at this point in the game yet and Marin isn't in Animal Village, you should be able to find her in Mabe Village. You will still need to get Marin to wake up the walrus to progress from here. This song will come in handy later when you need to wake up the Wind Fish.
Mambo by Manbo
Shortly after learning the Windfish Ballad, you can get your hands on Manbo's Mambo. You will need to complete the fourth dungeon, Angler's Tunnel, and collect the fins. Immediately after exiting Angler's Tunnel, you can swim in the water to the left of the dungeon entrance to reach another cave. There you will find Manbo, who teaches you the second song.
Manbo's Mambo is extremely useful as it allows you to travel quickly. Each time you play the song, you can instantly go to any warp point you discover or be sent back to a dungeon entrance.
Song of the Frog's Soul
The last Ocarina song in Link's Awakening can be found in the fifth dungeon, Catfish's Maw. You will need the grappling hook you get in this dungeon, as well as 300 rupees to unlock it.
Southeast of Mabe Village, head to Ukuku Meadow. You will find a place where there is an abyss in the ground that you can climb over with the grappling hook. Zip over the signpost maze. Complete the maze by reading each panel and following their instructions. A staircase will take you to the end.
In the underground chamber, you will meet Mamu, who will teach you the Song of the Frog Soul in exchange for 300 rupees. You don't need this song right away. This only becomes useful when you need to enter the eighth dungeon. So don't feel like you have to rush to pick it up right away.