A recent Prime Unvaulting brought Ember Prime, Frost Prime, Latron Prime, Reaper Prime, Sicarus Prime, and Glaive Prime back into the game, and if you don't have them, you'll need to take care of farming Relics. All Prime parts will drop from Axi E1, Neo S5, Meso F2, and Lith G1 relics. The traditional method does not apply this time, as these relics can only be obtained from specific activities.
They are still available in Relic Packs purchased through Platinum and in Syndicate Relic Packs purchased through Syndicate Standing. However, they don't drop from normal activities, and instead you'll have to do a lot of bounties or vacuum missions to get your hands on them.
You can run Bounties on Cetus, Orb Vallis, or Cambion Drift to get Bouties. Just visit the following areas, talk to the relevant NPC, and you can choose which bounty you want to run.
- Cetus on Earth - Talk to Konzu to get bounties on the Plains of Eidolon
- Fortuna on Venus - Talk to Eudico to get bonuses on Orb Vallis
- Necralisk on Deimos - Talk to mom to get bounties on Cambion Drift
Speak with the NPC and you will have the option to check out the bounties they have. The should all have a minimum of five bounties of different difficulty, and hovering over the bounty will show you what the potential drops are. Pick the one that drops the relic you are looking for, then grind it until you have several drops.
It's a good idea to bring in some fast moving warframes and hard hitting weapons. The main thing you are looking to do is finish these bounties quickly. This will allow you to run as many as possible in a short period of time. While doing the bounties, you will also gain status, so be sure to rank with the relevant Syndicate if and when you can, and use any additional status to purchase items from the many traders.
For Void missions, simply go to the Void and choose the appropriate mission for the relic you want:
- Axi E1 - Athens, Belenus, Marduk, Mithra, Mot
- Lith G1 – Ani, Hepit, Stribog, Taranis, Teshub, Tiwaz
- Meso F2 - Ani, Belenus, Oxomoco, Stribog, Taranis, Tiwaz, Ukko
- Neo S5 - Ani, Aten, Belenus, Marduk, Mirtha, Mot, Oxomoco, Ukko
Once you have the Relics, you will need to complete Void Fissure missions to open them. If you're looking to open a specific Relic and you're aiming for a certain uncommon or rare drop, it's a good idea to go to the Recruiting Conversation tab and find other players who are looking for the same drop. This will greatly increase your chances, as everyone can bring the same relic into the mission.