Telegram continues to update itself and offer new functions and tools to its users. In the last few hours, the WhatsApp's rival instant messaging platform has released the 6.0 update with which it is possible, among other innovations, collect chats in folders.
With the new function, users will be able to sort through the conversations, dividing them by "thematic areas". You can create folders with group chats, one dedicated to work colleagues or Telegram channels with Amazon offers. But this is not the only new feature that Telegram adds to its sixth main release: Pavel Durov's app also adds new statistics, so that more "full-bodied" channel managers can check the progress of their activities.
Organize chats in folders
The division into folders of the Telegram chats resembles, to the test of facts, the tabs of a browser. The folders created, in fact, will be displayed as tabs at the top of the app screen. To read the conversations inside them, simply press on the name of the folder / tab and scroll through the list.
Creating a folder on Telegram is pretty simple, although the procedure differs between the iOS version and the Android version of the app. Sui Android devices you need to access the settings menu and click on "Folders", on Apple phones and tablets you need to press and hold the "Chat" icon located at the bottom of the screen to access the new menu that allows you to create folders.
Telegram offers two default folders, "Unread" and "Personal", but you can create customized folders according to your specific personal needs, to which you can add the group conversations or contacts you prefer. The folders folders will then also be available in the Web or Desktop version of the messaging platform.
How to archive unwanted chats
With the new version of the messaging platform, it is now also possible to archive unwanted chats. It will be enough swipe from right to left to see the chat disappear from the main screen, while if you want to "silence" multiple chats at once, just select them by holding down the name for a few seconds and then pressing the icon with the down arrow. To recover them, just enter the archived chats folder and make a new swype from right to left.
Telegram 6.0: the other news
With the new Telegram update those who have a channel with more than 1000 subscribers can access their complete statistics. This is a new traffic analysis tool that can offer important insights into post performance, interactions and notifications in terms of numbers. Finally, new animated emojis are available, as well as the possibility of playing dice by throwing a six-sided dice within the chat and in the channels by simply clicking on the dice-shaped emoji. A fun game, also useful to redeem any disputes in a friendly way.
Telegram, it is now possible to collect chats in folders: how it works