Super Sidekicks it's a football video game developed and published in late 1992 by SNK for the console Neo Geo and in arcade version.
The superb gameplay and graphics very fluid of the game they immediately conquered the gamers of the Old Continent, who also appreciated the realism and the spectacularity of the shots towards the goal. Super Sidekicks is the first video game in a series that has enjoyed great success both in the arcade and on Neo Geo. Intuitiveness, possibility to carry out dribbling, crossing shots, short passes o long are just some of the features that have allowed the SNK game to be a real must when you go to the arcade.
The keys needed to play are "only" two: with the first you make long passes and, if you are close to the penalty area, shots, while with the second you make a short pass to a teammate. If, on the other hand, you are not in possession of the ball, with the first button you make a slide while with the second you throw a shoulder against the opponents, with the risk that a foul will be called against.
The great thing about Super Sidekicks is the ability to score by diving with your head, or by making a quick turn on a long, through ball. You can even lift the ball yourself, to score in overturned or scissoring. In short, everything a football lover dreams of.
Geoff Shawee - Beat Africa on hard mode
Hyper Spencer (“The Silencer”) - Beat America on hard mode
Jacob Penguinski - Beat Poland on hard mode
Ladi Shadesque - Beat France on hard mode
Vanio Gian - Beat Italy on hard mode