Sparkster it's a fun platform game genre, developed and published by the software house Konami in 1994 for the 16-bit console Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
The game, which features a possum, was also published by Konami also for Sega Mega Drive, with the name of Rocket Knight Adventures. The type of game is the classic one, a platform where numerous enemies and obstacles are placed between us and the goal of the game: the opossum conceived by Hideo Ueda and equipped with jetpack must overcome each other, in a whirlwind of jumps and stunts.
Sparkster promises a lot of fun, action, and a generally well-balanced level of difficulty, even if for the less "geeks" we thought to indicate some trick.
Go to the settings menu, go to “Level” and press LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, A and X to activate Crazy Hard mode.
In the options menu, go to “Sound” and press SELECT.
Pause the game and press A, B, X, Y, L, R. Return to the game and Sparkster will not take any damage if hit. To undo the trick, simply pause and type the code again.
Crystal, Crystal, Crystal, Crystal, Crystal, Banana, Space, Space, Apple, Crystal, Apple, Banana to go to the last stage in HARD mode.
Space, Banana, Apple, Space, Space, Banana, Apple, Apple, Crystal, Apple, Apple, Apple to go to the last stage in VERY DIFFICULT mode.
Sparkster - SNES