Shadow of the Beast it's a platform video game developed in 1989 by Interactive Reflections and published the same year by Psygnosis Limited for Amiga.
The game was a huge success and was soon converted to other platforms, including Sega Mega Drive. His sequels were Shadow of the Beast II and Shadow of the Beast III. This game is still remembered today - and above all it was acclaimed at the time - for the amazing quality of the sound and graphics.
The packaging of the game was designed by Roger Dean, a rather famous illustrator who has made numerous covers of the most popular Yes albums and who often collaborated with Psygnosis. The plot of Shadow of the Beast stars a man named Aarborn who, kidnapped as a child, is transformed by magic into a monster in the services of Lord Maletoth. Suddenly, however, he recalls his memory and remembers his father's execution. Aarborn then decides to carry out his plan of revenge against Lord Maletoth.
Drop a coin at the bottom of the well to immediately receive an extra life.
Play and get a HIGH SCORE. As initials enter ZQX. On the home screen, hold A + B + C and press START. Your life bar will go to zero but you will be invincible.
To see the extra credits, press A, B, C and START at the same time while the Psycognis logo is present on the screen.