How to play in split screen
To play split screen in Rocket League, connect a second controller and press the Start button to join the game. The second player must sign in to an online or guest account to play. This process is the same for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Public chat PS4, the second player must sign in to a PSN account to play online. If they are using a guest account, you will be limited to offline modes. Once the second player is logged in, press the options button on the second controller to add them to the game.
Public chat Xbox One, the second player must sign in to an Xbox Live account or a guest account. Like the PS4 version of the game, guest accounts are limited to offline modes. Once the second players have logged in, press the menu button on the second controller to add them to the game.
Public chat Nintendo Switch, all you need to do to play split screen is connect a second controller and press the + button. A second account is not required to play online. The second player will play as a guest, so only one Nintendo Switch Online membership is required to play online.
Public chat PC, just connect a second controller and press the start button to play split screen. To play split screen on PC, you need to use two controllers. Keyboard and mouse controls are not supported when playing local multiplayer on PC.
For more information on split screen, see the official Rocket League support page.