During the Monster Hunter Digital Event, Capcom ha announced a second Demo to Monster hunter rise and the arrival of the Chameleos like primo update free.
The arrival of the demo is planned forMarch 11 2021 and it can be download and update directly from the old, one will be added third mission that will allow you to face up to il Magnamalo.
Il first free update of the title in issue a end of April will add the Chameleos together with many other monsters, Besides to unlock the limit of Hunter Rank and its functionalities. Future updates they will add even more monsters to hunt.
Further information
Below we will release further details via Capcom:
During today's Monster Hunter Digital Event, members of the Monster Hunter Rise development team shared new information. Monster Hunter Series Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and Monster Hunter Director Rise Yasunori Ichinose have provided an in-depth look at the game's new Rampage mission type, further details of the game's features and confirmation of a second demo due out March 11 before the game is released.
Players have received a detailed look at the new Fury mission type in Monster Hunter Rise. Hunters must work with the citizens of Kamura Village to prepare their defensive installations and protect the Stronghold's barricades from waves of invading monsters, including any Apex monsters that might arrive during the siege.
Today, several new details on the gameplay features for Monster Hunter Rise were revealed. In addition to the initial "Silkbind Attacks" available for all 14 weapon types, hunters will unlock new "switching skills" for each weapon as they progress through the game. By trading these new abilities with existing Silkbind or regular attacks, players can create all new combos and strategies that match their preferred play style.
Monster Hunter Rise will also include dynamic difficulty scaling for multiplayer, which automatically adjusts when new players enter and exit a hunt. The new “Hunter Connect” feature will allow players to create tags with their own goals and play style, search for other players with the same tags, or invite friends to any tag they've joined.
After completing a multiplayer mission, players will also be able to appreciate the other hunters in their party and increase the chances of finding each other in matchmaking. Finally, players can capture their heroic achievements and the vibrant beauty of Monster Hunter Rise with the camera function.
The digital event also revealed a new trailer that summarizes the many new monsters and environments coming to Monster Hunter Rise, featuring fan-favorite monsters Zinogre and Nargacuga. More seasoned hunters may also glimpse a new threat looming over Kamura, along with the mischievous Elder Dragon Chameleos, who will be one of multiple monsters coming with post-launch updates after the game's release later this month.
Players looking for more hands-on time with Monster Hunter Rise can participate in the second limited-time demo due out on March 11th. The demo will feature a higher difficulty hunt against the Magnamalo cover monster for experienced hunters, in addition to the four available missions. Players who participated in the January demo will have their mission counter reset and will be able to go back to test their courage.
Monster hunter rise will come out on switch il 26 March around the world and on PC At the beginning of 2022.