Unlike the first game, you will actually have to enter the codes to open the vaults. In the original version, opening a safe required the collection of a specific note. Notes are still built in to provide clues for each vault, but they're not needed this time around. If you know the solution, you can open the safe - and we've listed them all below.
All Training Manual Locations | Companion Trophy Guide | All gun, bomb and holster locations | High Caliber Trophy Guide | Uncharted & Jak & Daxter Easter Egg Guide
All safes and locations combined | Safecracker Trophy Guide
Chapter 4: Patrol
Safe # 1: 20-07-13 - The safe is located in the same office as the combination. It is in the office just to the right of the Employee of the Month table that you will see after walking through a narrow space in the infected area.
Chapter 9: Downtown
Safe # 2: 60-23-06 - Inside the Westlake Bank tower, crawl through the ruins and reach the lobby. Behind the front desks you'll find a dark room to the right with a huge vault door. The money is not worth anything, but the shotgun is worth the trip.
Safe # 3: 04-51 - On Madison Street, you will find the safe by an open military control door. There is a big pointer on the wall with the clue you need. There are items and a collectible card inside.
Safe # 4: 86-07-22 - In the huge FEDRA base on Marion Street, walk through the dark corridors to find an office near a murder site. The security code is written on the whiteboard above the deceased commander with a machete inside him. The safe is in the office behind the reception.
Chapter 11: Capitol Hill
Safe # 5: 55-01-33 - After the "MARTIAL ARTS" building, enter a thrift store and enter the back room. There is a safe in the office and a note with the code pinned to the corkboard. You will find supplies inside.
Chapter 16: Hillcrest
Safe # 6: 30-82-65 - Located in the alley behind the tattoo parlor, find a building marked "AUTO" with a green dumpster blocking a door. Move the dumpster and the safe is right inside. Inside you will find a new short rifle holster.
Chapter 18: The Seraphites
Safe # 7: 08-10-83 - When Ellie reaches "Route 5", look for a building on the left with a truck parked in front. Get on the truck to reach the high awnings and climb up through the apartment window. The safe is located in the bedroom closet. There is ammunition and supplements inside.
Safe # 8: 38-55-23 - Found in 'Weston's Pharmacy' after climbing the outside steps. In the pharmacy, crawl through the cracked wall on the left. The safe is full of ammunition and extras.
Chapter 21: The Flooded City
Safe # 9: 70-12-64 - Get the boat up in the warehouse with the door down and get off. Take the stairs to the second floor and look at the back right of the hall for an object with wheels that you can move. Go through the hole to access the fenced room from above. You will find plenty of supplies inside.
Chapter 25: On Foot
Safe # 10: 17-38-07 - When your team has "almost reached the FOB", look for a cracked wall to the right after going through a door. Crawl inside to find a safe. The code is in the small office you passed along on the way. The safe contains a hunting pistol weapon.
Chapter 28: Hostile Territory
Safe # 11: 68-96-89 - Find the street with storefronts on both sides. The first store on the left is closed, so break the window and enter. The safe is behind the counter.
Chapter 31: The Coast
Safe # 12: 90-77-01 - After boarding the shipwreck, go up to the control room on the upper deck. There is a safe here with a training manual. You will find the safe combination on a note in the hallway where you picked up the crossbow.
Chapter 33: The Shortcut
Safe # 13: 30-23-04 - After climbing the building and crossing, you will drop and shatter the glass to enter an apartment. There is a safe in the room which is full of supplies.
Chapter 34: Descent
Safe # 14: 18/12/79 - Enter through the green door in front of the front of the gymnasium. There is a safe inside that contains supplies. You will find the code in the back of the café in the hallway.