PUBG Mobile Lite Season 8 is set for worldwide release after Season 7 ends on September 30, 2020. All players' levels will be reset to their current in-game rank, and they will be able to collect their level rewards when the season ends. The update will be released in-game and will also add new level rewards for players.
PUBG Mobile Lite Season 8 release date
PUBG Mobile Season 8 will release on 1th October, and just like the previous seasons of the game, Season 8 will also run for three months. Here is the list of rewards that can be collected at the end of Season 7:
- Bronze V to Bronze I: Bronze case
- Silver V to Silver I: Money crate
- Or V à Or I: Gold crate
- Platinum V to Platinum I: Platinum case
- Diamond V to Diamond I: Diamond crate
- Crown V to Crown I: Crown crate
- Ace: Ace's Crate
- Conqueror: Conqueror's Crate

PUBG Mobile Lite Season 8 Tier Rewards
Players will be able to collect these rewards in Season 8 at different levels while pushing their rank:
Gold: Season 8 Outfit

Diamond: Saison 8 - AWM

Ace: Season 8 Ace Privilege

Conqueror: Season 8 Conqueror Privilege

It should be noted that these rewards are based on data miner leaks. The rewards for the other levels are not yet known, but we will update them once Season 8 is officially released.