Unity Technologies, creator of the Unity game engine unveiled its results and although the forecasts for the year are better than expected, the company believes that the new Apple Anti-Tracking (ATT) rules will have an estimated impact (currently) of 30 million in revenue.
Despite that announcement, the losses associated with Apple's privacy policy will be offset by an increase in revenue of 50 million.
Unity generates revenue from developers who use its game engine to create titles such as "Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout", "Ori and the Will of the Wisps" or "Oddworld: Soulstorm". Subscriptions make up a sizable portion of the company's income, but advertising also plays a significant role in the income statement.
In general, the entire industry is mired in confusion and uncertainty about the ultimate impact it could have if iPhone or iPad users massively assumed Apple's policy of preventing app tracking, and the calculations made now can be greatly modified with Over the months, if advertisers decide to use strategies other than those based on profiling and data aggregation, once the main consumer group (using Apple devices) is no longer in the rankings.