How to solve Legendary Clue 2
Legendary Clue 2 is already a little different at the start, since we get four pages of clues right off the bat instead of having to wait and see a single clue update throughout. These are given directly from Peony once he sets up base camp in Freezington's house, where you can embark on this quest.
Just to let you know, the order of the pages is not in the order which is most convenient for you to follow them, but we will always list them by page number. Otherwise, for the best order, you might want to pick the pages in order of 3, 1, 2, but that doesn't really matter overall.
The front page of Legendary Clue 2 says, “Far, far away in the giant's bed is a temple where the stone giant sleeps. On the door of the temple are strange words: "Let him ……… my h ……… chang ……… .a." The door remains firmly closed. Since this is the first page, we'll start with this one which has a very confusing clue due to the missing letters. What it's really supposed to say is "May the first Pokémon hold a stone that never changes," which means we have to find an Everstone if we don't already have it. Fortunately, at least one of them is available in The Crown Tundra if you don't, which you can learn more about in this guide. After getting the Everstone, give it to the Pokémon in the front of your party and interact with the door to open it.
Once inside, you will see a group of circles on the group, which you have to walk through to activate. After activating them all, you can go interact with the statue and start a fight with Regirock. As the name suggests, Regirock is a Rock-type Pokémon, which means you want to use Water, Grass, Fighting, Steel, or Ground-type moves against it. The good thing here is also that if you accidentally knock him out before you catch him, you can just back up on the circles to light them up and interact with the statue to try again. This could be a good way to grind too if you want.
The second page of Legendary Clue 2 reads, “Sunk into the side of Snowslide Slope is a temple where the Ice Giant sleeps. On the door of the temple are strange words: “Wa… together ……… iving …… stal… of sno…” The door remains firmly closed. As the indication indicates, head to Snowslide Slope and take the first possible west path which will wind up and eventually bring you to where we need to be. Interact with the door to reveal the message from before to actually be "Walk Together with a Living Snow Crystal". It might seem a little confusing at first, but what you need to do is grab a Cryogonal and put it at the head of your party. There are plenty of them in the icy areas of The Crown Tundra, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding one if you don't already have one.
As before, you will find circles on the ground in the temple that you have to walk on. Do this and you can interact with the statue and take on Regice. This is of course an Ice-type Pokémon, so you'll want to bring in some fire, combat, rock, or steel moves to fight it. Just be careful not to knock him out, because you have to catch him. As before, you can try again if you accidentally knock him out.
The third page of Legendary Clue 2 says, “Near where the green meets the snow in the giant's bed is a temple where the steel giant sleeps. On the door of the temple are strange words: “Let …… go out ……… note …… wake up ……… iant ……… eel.” The door remains firmly closed. This refers to the stone temple closest to Freezington, which is to the west as soon as you head to Giant's Bed. Once you're there and interact with the door, the message will actually be revealed: "Let the piercing note ring that will awaken the steel giant." The shrill note he's referring to is just a whistle, so press the left analog stick to whistle, which will open the door in front of you so you can walk inside.
Inside the temple, you will see the same type of circles on the ground, which you will have to walk on to relight them. Once everything is on, go up to the statue inside and interact with it. This will cause Registeel to appear and you will have the chance to try to catch him. Like the other Regis here, Registeel is level 70, so bring a Pokémon to fight it accordingly. Since it's exclusively a Steel type, using a Fire, Ground, or Combat type will be your best bet.
Now that we have the three Regis so far, we can complete the fourth page of Legendary Clue 2, which could not have been done until we had all three. The clue to this one reads: “On the distant paths of the Three Point Pass is a temple where two giants sleep. On the door of the temple are strange words: "Whe ……… ree ……… door ……… everything be …… ened." The door remains firmly closed. For this one, you'll need to head to Giant's Foot east of Giant's Bed and enter the Roaring Sea Caves and cross it to the Frosty Sea. From there you can head south to the Three Point Pass, where you will find the temple.
This one is multicolored, which is obviously different from the others. This is because we can integrate one of the two new Regis into it. When you interact with the door, it will say "A rock giant." A giant of ice. A giant of steel. When the three giants are gathered, the door of fate will be opened. This fills in the blanks in the clue, which means we need to add the three Regis we have to our group. After doing that, interact with the door and it will let you in.
As you enter, the camera will move to the top of the temple, with two interesting patterns. This is actually how you will decide which of the two new Regis you want to have by entering the pattern on the respective side. The yellow side and design will give you Regieleki, the electric type, while the red side and design will give you Regidrago. Enter the Regi model you want and you can then interact with the statue to start a battle with it. Once you interact with the statue, you can't change your mind either, so make sure you've chosen the correct one. Regieleki is a purely electric type, so you'll want to bring in some ground moves to deal extra damage if you can. Regidrago is a Dragon type, so you'll want to bring some ice, dragon, or fairy moves for this fight. Whichever one you choose, just lower their health and try to catch it like everyone else.
Once you have Regieleki or Regidrago, all you have to do is go back to base camp and talk to Peony. Check in and tell him about Regirock, Regice, Registeel and whichever of the other two you've selected and he'll mark the hint as officially done.