Capturing them is not always easy in Pokémon Go, and PokéCoins can help you. PokéCoins are the in-game currency used to purchase consumables and cosmetic clothing in the store. There are two ways to get PokéCoins in Pokémon Go: Defend a Gym or buy them with real money.
Many items available in the store are available through PokéStops. You'll want to purchase items from the store if you don't have access to PokéStops, or if you need more than one particular item.
Earn PokéCoins by defending Gyms
To get PokéCoins without paying for them, you must have one of your Pokémon that successfully defends a Gym. You can place a Pokémon to protect a Gym by defeating all Pokémon on the controlling team. Each gym has slots for six defending Pokémon, and only one of each Pokémon can defend it, so you can make sure you have a good assortment of potential defenders to choose from. You can only have one of your Pokémon in a specific Gym at a time.
You earn 1 PokéCoin for every 10 minutes your Pokémon defends, up to a maximum of 50 PokéCoins per day. Your Pokémon must spend at least 10 minutes in a gym before it can receive PokéCoins. You can place Pokémon in up to 20 Gyms per day, but you won't be able to earn more than the maximum daily PokéCoins for Defense. You will receive the PokéCoins when your Pokémon comes back to you, either by exhausting its motivation or by another trainer beating them at the gym.
In defense, your Pokémon does not have to participate in battles. You earn PokéCoins by having your Pokémon on the list to defend. The challengers face off against the Pokémon in the order they enter the gym. The longer your Pokémon defends, the more likely it is that it will lose its motivation to support the Gym, coming back to you, rewarding you with earned PokéCoins. Trainers can increase the motivation of defending Pokémon on their team by giving them berries.
You can earn a total of 350 PokéCoins per week through this method. Right now, Defense is the only way to make PokéCoins in-game without spending any money.
If a Pokémon comes back to you before your daily PokéCoins limit, you can place another (or the same) Pokémon in that Gym (or another Gym) to continue earning more. PokéCoins.
Your Pokémon can only earn up to 50 PokéCoins during its time in a Gym. So if you have a Pokémon staying there for three days in a row, it will come back to you with 50 PokéCoins, not 150. Also, if you have three other Pokémon returning on the same day after their visits, you will still only earn 50 PokéCoins at the same time. total.
Buy PokeCoins with real money
You can choose to buy PokéCoins using real money. The more PokéCoins you buy at the same time, the lower the price per coin. We have included the amount of "extra" coins you will receive for purchasing the larger lots, beyond a PokéCoin exchange rate of $ 0,01 = 1.
PokéCoins prices
- 0,99 $ – 100 PokéCoins
- 4,99 $ – 550 PokéCoins (+50 PokéCoins)
- 9,99 $ – 1200 PokéCoins (+200 PokéCoins)
- 19,99 $ – 2500 PokéCoins (+500 PokéCoins)
- 39,99 $ – 5200 PokéCoins (+1200 PokéCoins)
- 99,99 $ – 14500 PokéCoins (+4500 PokéCoins)
You can get many items available in the store by spinning PokéStops. There are a handful of things you can't get your hands on without spending some change, like Star Pieces.
The store also offers boxes that include exclusive items that can only be obtained by purchasing these boxes. There are no randomized loot boxes in Pokémon GO — You can see what you'll get in each box. Some items in the store have discounts during special events, but these discounts are relatively rare. It should be noted that the only way to increase your backpack space and Pokémon storage capacity is to spend PokéCoins.
Here is a list of all the items that can be purchased with PokéCoins:
LaLimited time gift boxesSpecial Box - 480 PokéCoins
- 2 lucky eggs
- 2 Pass Raid Premium
- 2 star coin
- 2 Super incubator
Adventure box - 1480 PokéCoins
- 10 egg incubators
- 3 Incense
- 3 star pieces
- 10 super incubators
Ultra Box – 1480 PokéCoins
- 3 lucky eggs
- 20 Premium Raid Passes
- 3 star pieces
- 5 super incubators
Beginner's Box - $ 0,99
- 1 lucky egg
- 1 premium raid pass
- 30 Poké Balls
- 1 super incubator
Consumable items
- Egg Incubator - 150 PokéCoins
- Module Glacial Lure – 200 PokéCoins
- Incense - 80 PokéCoins
- 8 Incense - 500 PokéCoins
- Lucky Egg - 80 PokéCoins
- 8 Lucky Eggs - 500 PokéCoins
- Module Lure – 100 PokéCoins
- 8 modules Lure – 680 PokéCoins
- Magnetic Lure Module - 200 PokéCoins
- 10 Max Potions – 200 PokéCoins
- 6 Max Revives – 180 PokéCoins
- Module Mossy Lure – 200 PokéCoins
- Pass Raid Premium – 100 PokéCoins
- Poffino - 100 PokéCoins
- 20 PokéBoules – 100 PokéCoins
- 100 PokéBoules – 460 PokéCoins
- 200 PokéBoules – 800 PokéCoins
- Super Incubator - 200 PokéCoins
Trainer upgrades
The only way to increase your backpack size and Pokemon storage capacity is to purchase these upgrades. Each purchased upgrade increases your backpack size by 50, up to a maximum of 2000 slots. Pokémon storage is also limited to 2000 slots, although upgrades to this storage are purchased separately. You can also choose to buy the team medallion if you want to change teams. You can only purchase the Team Medallion every 365 days.
- Item Bag (Backpack Upgrade) - 200 PokéCoins
- Pokemon Storage - 200 PokéCoins
- Team Medallion - 1000 PokéCoins
Avatar items purchasable with PokéCoins
You can purchase items for your trainer avatar by visiting the "Style Store" accessible from the main store. Many cosmetic options depend on the gender of your trainer, and some require you to earn specific medals in order to purchase.
You can also only purchase certain avatar items after earning specific medals obtained for reaching gameplay milestones.
Anything that requires a medal to unlock has an asterisk in the lists below.
Avatar items available
- Funécire Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Osselait Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Mewtwo Hat - 100 PokéCoins
- Maniac Ruin Hat - 100 PokéCoins
- Meltan Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Ace Earphone * - 50 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 2 Great League Veteran Medal
- Team Aqua Bandanna – 50 PokéCoins
- Bulbasaur Face Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Charmander Face Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Squirtle Face Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Team Valor Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Team Instinct Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Team Mystic Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Rocket Team Hat - 100 PokéCoins
- Pikachu Fan Headband * - 180 PokéCoins and unlock level 1 Pikachu Fan Medal
- Top Hat - 800 PokéCoins
- Newsy Cap - 100 PokéCoins
- Cadoizo Earmuffs - 200 PokéCoins
- Baudrive Cap - 250 PokéCoins
- Felt Fedora - 180 PokéCoins
- Fisherman's Cap * - 180 PokéCoins and unlock the level 1 Fisherman's Medal
- Casquette Fireded - 100 PokéCoins
- Ectoplasma Cap - 200 PokéCoins
- Johto Cap - 150 PokéCoins
- Jogger Visor - 100 PokéCoins
- Magirêve Hat - 250 PokéCoins
- Cerfrousse Headband - 150 PokéCoins
- Aviator Sunglasses - 160 PokéCoins
- Future Specifications - 160 PokéCoins
- Focus Frames - 50 PokéCoins
- Jogger Sunglasses - 160 PokéCoins
- Mystery Mask - 400 PokéCoins
- Pull Cerfrousse – 250 PokéCoins
- Polo Instinct – 200 PokéCoins
- Mystic Polo – 200 PokéCoins
- Polo Valor - 200 PokéCoins
- Pikachu Onesie - 400 PokéCoins
- Bulbasaur Hoodie - 200 PokéCoins
- Charmander Hoodie - 200 PokéCoins
- Squirtle Hoodie - 200 PokéCoins
- Pokemon Rafflesia Shirts - 200 PokéCoins
- Pokemon Excelangue Shirts - 200 PokéCoins
- Pokemon Magikarp Shirts - 200 PokéCoins
- Pokemon Snorlax Shirts - 200 PokéCoins
- Team Instinct Happi Coat - 200 PokéCoins
- Team Valor Happi Coat - 200 PokéCoins
- Manteau Team Mystic Happi - 200 PokéCoins
- Top Mewtwo – 300 PokéCoins
- Spark-Style Jacket - 400 PokéCoins
- Candela Style Jacket - 400 PokéCoins
- White Jacket - 400 PokéCoins
- Ruin Maniac Outfit - 150 PokéCoins
- Top Backpacker – 80 PokéCoins
- Pull Meltan – 200 PokéCoins
- Ace Vest * - 150 PokéCoins and unlock Level 3 Ace Trainer Medal
- Ace Top * - 150 PokéCoins and unlock a Tier 2 Ultra League Veteran Medal
- Veteran Jacket * - 150 PokéCoins and unlock Level 3 Ultra League Veteran Medal
- Team Magma Hoodie - 150 PokéCoins
- Team Aqua Top – 150 PokéCoins
- Cadet Pull - 300 PokéCoins
- Brock Shirt - 300 PokéCoins
- Grodrive Shirt - 200 PokéCoins
- Ectoplasma Shirt - 200 PokéCoins
- Spirtomb T-shirt - 200 PokéCoins
- Pikachu Fan Shirt * - 250 PokéCoins and unlock level 3 Pikachu Fan Medal
- High Drawn - 250 PokéCoins
- Leading the Top - 200 PokéCoins
- Team Rocket Top – 400 PokéCoins
- Rocket Top Team Rainbow – 400 PokéCoins
- Gym Leader Top * - 220 PokéCoins and unlock the Tier 3 Gym Leader Medal
- Mew Shirt - 250 PokéCoins
- Latias and Latios Shirt - 250 PokéCoins
- Business Blazier – 500 PokéCoins
- Fisherman's Vest * - 500 PokéCoins and unlock level 3 Fisherman's Medal
- Jogger Tank Top - 220 PokéCoins
- Dracaufeu Sweater - 220 PokéCoins
- Pull Pikachu – 220 PokéCoins
- Sports hoodie - 500 PokéCoins
- Streak Hoodie - 220 PokéCoins
- It has diagonal - 100 PokéCoins
- Team Instinct Tee – 500 PokéCoins
- Team Mystic Tee – 500 PokéCoins
- Team Valor T-shirt - 500 PokéCoins
- The Thirty * - 220 PokéCoins and unlock at level 30
- Mimicry Bag - 250 PokéCoins
- Nosferapti Bag - 250 PokéCoins
- Backpack of Seeds - 200 PokéCoins
- Flame Backpack - 200 PokéCoins
- Shell Backpack - 200 PokéCoins
- Ruin Maniac Backpack - 150 PokéCoins
- Backpacker Pack - 200 PokéCoins
- Egg Backpack (there are three) - 250 PokéCoins
- Fireread Backpack - 250 PokéCoins
- Ectoplasma Backpack - 250 PokéCoins
- Sac Cord - 200 PokéCoins
- Spark-Style Gloves - 50 PokéCoins
- Ace Gloves * - 50 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 2 Great League Veteran Medal
- Team Magma Gloves - 50 PokéCoins
- Team Aqua Gloves - 50 PokéCoins
- Cadoizo Gloves - 150 PokéCoins
- Bracelets Fireead – 50 PokéCoins
- Gym Leader Gloves - 50 PokéCoins
- Jogger Watch - 50 PokéCoins
- Team Rocket Gloves - 50 PokéCoins
- Mewtwo Pants - 150 PokéCoins
- Spart Style Pants - 200 PokéCoins
- Candela Style Pants - 200 PokéCoins
- White Pants - 200 PokéCoins
- Backpacker Capris – 100 PokéCoins
- Short Team Magma – 150 PokéCoins
- Team Aqua Shorts – 150 PokéCoins
- Ace Pants - 100 PokéCoins
- Ace Shorts * - 100 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 2 Master League Veteran Medal
- Veteran Pants * - 100 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 3 Great League Veteran Medal
- Brock Pants - 250 PokéCoins
- Fisherman's Pants * - 200 PokéCoins and unlock Level 2 Fisherman's Medal
- Pulled Pants - 200 PokéCoins
- Gym Leader Shorts * - 200 PokéCoins and unlock the Gym Leader level 2 medal
- Pantalon Lead - 200 PokéCoins
- Jogging Shorts * - 200 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 2 Jogger Medal
- Pikachu Fan Shorts * - 200 PokéCoins and unlock the level 2 Fan Pikachu medal
- Jeans skinny – 200 PokéCoins
- Active Joggers - 80 PokéCoins
- Team Rocket Pants - 200 PokéCoins
- Sandals (there are three) - 50 PokéCoins
- Mewtwo Shoes - 50 PokéCoins
- Sparkling Style Shoes - 50 PokéCoins
- Candela Style Shoes - 50 PokéCoins
- White Shoes - 50 PokéCoins
- Ruin Maniac Shoes - 150 PokéCoins
- Backpacker Shoes - 100 PokéCoins
- Ace Boots * - 50 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 2 Ace Trainer Medal
- Ace Shoes * - 50 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 2 Ace Trainer Medal
- Veteran's Boots * - 50 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 3 Master League Veteran Medal
- Team Magma Boots - 100 PokéCoins
- Team Aqua Boots – 100 PokéCoins
- Cadoizo Boots - 200 PokéCoins
- Brock Shoes - 150 PokéCoins
- Fisherman's Boots * - 100 PokéCoins and unlock Level 2 Fisherman's Medal
- Pulled Shoes - 150 PokéCoins
- Gym Leader Shoes * - 100 PokéCoins and unlock Level 2 Gym Leader Medal
- Johto Shoes - 200 PokéCoins
- Jogging Shoes * - 50 PokéCoins and unlock the Level 2 Jogger Medal
- Pikachu Fan Shoes * - 200 PokéCoins and unlock level 2 Pikachu Fan Medal
- Team Rocket Boots - 200 PokéCoins
- Rocket Team Rainbow Boots - 200 PokéCoins