The new update is live for Pokémon Masters and it introduces tons of new content. This update brings Solgaleo, the legendary Pokémon discovered in the Alola region. Sogaleo is the second Legendary Pokémon available in Pokémon Masters after Mewtwo which was available in the game for a limited time in December.
Apart from that, this update brings a lot of new customization options. Now the main character can be paired with Solgaleo, Poussifeu or Pikachu as a partner Pokémon. In addition, until January 21 at 21:59 pm PT, players will be able to participate in the event titled “The Beast That Devours the Sun”. During this event, special items needed to unlock the max level and learn Solgaleo's moves and skills can be obtained.
But that's not all. Two Dragon-type sync pairs are now available in the game. One of them is Lance, known to some Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue players. He's available and his sync partner is Pokémon Dragonite. The second Cynthia, which players may remember from Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl. His Pokémon partner is Carchacrok. These two sync pairs will be available for players to add to their teams via character-specific sync pair spotlight scouts. Another event, named “Two Champions” will be available until January 21 at 21:59 PM PT, and during this event, players will be able to go on an adventure with these two Dragon-type sync pairs. However, to participate in this event, players must have completed Chapter 4 of the main story before.
Another exciting event will be available with this new update. It's called “The New Year's Rally” and it lasts until January 21 at 21:59 pm PT. During this event, players can play special missions and earn up to 7 gems. Additionally, during this time, a festive background will decorate the in-game Pokémon Center.