Or, it looks like they require an online connection. You don't need real players to help you win - it's entirely possible to do 5-star raids solo, but you'll have to prepare yourself. Here, we'll see everything you need to know if you want to farm Max Raids solo. Follow these steps and you will almost always win.
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How To Earn 5 Star Max Raid Battles Solo | Easier max raiding guide
Soloing Max Raids becomes difficult when you encounter 5 star battles. These are the toughest fights in the game - the Pokémon Max Raid you face will attack multiple times per turn and can summon a powerful shield with 50% health. The battle ends if 4 Pokémon are slain or if you complete more than 10 turns to complete the fight.
To make Max Raid battles easier, follow these simple steps.
Reach level 100
In Solo Max Raids, your NPC trainers will be always join 70% of your current level. If you are at level 100, the NPC trainers will be at level 70. This is the highest level possible, and more levels make it easier to complete these battles.
To quickly farm levels, simply use Max Raids' Exp Berries, or close the Battle Tower. Using rental teams is enough to earn and earn tons of Rare Candy.
Use the best Pokémon you can - Legendary
Legendary Pokémon have (basically) the best stats in the game. After completing the story you will have Éthernatos. I recommend using it for most 5 Star Max Raid battles. It is easy to use, can crush enemies, and has good defense.
You can boost its stats with Vitamins to quickly increase Attack or Special Attack stats. The more damage you do, the better. Maximize Special Attack with the right vitamins, get to level 100 with Ethernatosand you will be able to handle most of the Max Raids.
With nv. 100 Ethernatos, you can get an attack power of 170. His Signature Move power doubles for Max Raids. He's incredibly strong.
Increase attack power with pending items
Finally, you can increase your Attack or Special Attack power by 50% with the correct item selected. For Ethernatos, you will want to strengthen his special attack: you have to watch out for two elements.
- Choice of specifications: + 50% special attack. Found at Spikemuth.
- Band of choice: + 50% attack. Found on route 2.
Now that you have a super powerful Ethernat, all you have to do is farm Raids to earn incredible Exp bonuses, in order to breed any other Pokemon you may need for raiding. If you can't win a 5 Star Raid with Ethernatos, you may need to level. 100 very efficient Pokémon. This is the only strategy you need.