Eevee Evolution Names
Currently, Eevee can evolve into seven different forms in Pokémon GO, and more could be added as new generations are brought to mobile play. Sylveon, for example, is currently the last to be included in the main series. However, Pokémon GO doesn't have Sylveon yet, so for now there are only seven evolutions of Eevee that you'll want to focus on. And with level 42 requiring you to evolve all of the unique forms of Eevee, all of which must be brand new, players will want to dust off the old ways again.
By far the fastest and easiest way to get all of the Eevee evolutions in Pokémon GO is to use the naming trick. Each evolution has a name that you can give to any Eevee you choose. Then just pay the cost of 25 candies to evolve them and they'll turn into this type. But be careful, this only works once per name, so use them wisely. Here they are…
Vaporeon - Rainer
Jolteon – Sparky
Flareon – Pyro
Espeon – Sakura
Umbreon - Tamao
Leafeon - Linnea
Glaceon - Rea
But what if you have used them before? How do you get each version the hard way?
How to evolve Eevee into Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon
These are the first evolutions of Eevee added to Pokémon GO. In fact, they've been there from the very beginning. Sadly, they're also one of the hardest to secure when evolving Eevee. As the base evolves, just press the evolution button and pay the 25 candies to give one randomly. Fortunately, you should have saved a lot of Eevee Candy to try out this little slot machine enough to get them all.
How to evolve Eevee into Espeon and Umbreon
The next set of Eevee evolutions added to Pokémon GO were Gen 2's Espeon and Umbreon. These Psychic and Dark type characters, respectively, were huge changes for the mobile game and added complexity to the evolution of the game. 'Eevee. This time around, if you can't use the naming trick, you need to drive Eevee 10 miles as a buddy before you progress and focus on time to make sure you get the one you want.
Choose an Eevee that you want to evolve into Espeon or Umbreon, then make it your friend. To do this, just tap the buddy icon at the bottom right, scroll down and select Swap Friend. Keep them as your friend until you've walked 10 km and finished evolving them. Then if you want Espeon to do it during the day (before 19 p.m.) and for Umbreon do it at night (after 19 p.m. and before 6 a.m.).
How to Evolve Eevee Leafeon and Glaceon
Finally, Eevee evolutions have become even more confusing in Pokémon GO with the addition of Gen 4 Leafeon and Glaceon. This time you will need an item, or someone you know will need to use one to use. you can access. To evolve Eevee into Leafeon, you must be within range of a Poké Stop with an active Mossy Lure placed on it. You can see it on the map with loose leaves surrounding it. Glaceon requires the Stop to have an Ice Decoy instead, which will display with swirling ice. Most players got them for free at various events, but they can also be purchased from the store for 200 Poké Coins per coin. Once you have one, just use it on a stop and evolve an Eevee while standing nearby.
And these are all of the evolutions of Eevee and how to do them all in Pokémon GO. Sylveon can be added later, so check back for more when Gen 6 arrives and beyond.