How to catch Moltres
The start of Moltres' quest begins the same way as for Articuno and Zapdos. If you didn't get them, you need to activate the birds first in The Crown Tundra. This is done by playing fairly alone until Peony gives you the legendary clues. The third legendary clue is about birds and has a tree on it, which you will find at the far south of the map. Go down there and go up the tree until a cutscene begins. This will end with the flight of the three birds, we will have to leave The Crown Tundra for Moltres.
To find Moltres, we have to go back to the game's first expansion, known as The Isle of Armor. You can do this either by traveling from the train station or by simply opening the city map and flying there. When you first arrive, make sure you are at the station and immediately look into the water, where you should see this new red and black Moltres flying.
At this point, hurry up to the Dojo by bike while keeping an eye out for Moltres. What you need to do is position yourself well enough where Moltres will meet you within its predetermined path. The easiest place to do this is just to the right of the Dojo, where you can see Moltres in the image above rather than where our trainer is positioned. When he approaches, try whistling or honking on your bike to get his attention and he should be fine with you. It's also a great time to save if you have her attention to protect yourself if you accidentally knock her out. Plus, if you happen to miss Moltres, it will eventually come back after its long flight around the island. You're probably better off resetting than waiting, but that's up to you.
Once Moltres hits you, the battle will officially begin against this now dark / flying guy. Due to the new strike, you'll want to bring in some Rock, Electric, Fairy, or Ice moves to try and suppress it, but not enough to knock it out. Use your best available Poke Balls in addition to your Master Ball, unless you're struggling to catch it, and Galarian Moltres will be yours.