If you don't want to miss out on an awesome Pokemon, check out the full list of exclusive features below. And don't forget that you can always trade with friends or strangers by using Y-Com to get a Pokémon not available in your version of the game. Online communities are a great place to find business partners. So don't worry about missing out on Pokémon if you only have time for one version.
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What is exclusive to each version?
Pokémon Sword and Shield share most of the content - you'll experience the same story, meet (mostly!) The same Pokémon, and fight against the gym leaders to become the champion.
There are only a few small differences and you'll find everything unique about each version in the full list below. Make sure you choose the version you prefer before purchasing!
- New Pokémon Sword exclusives
- Legendary Zacian
- Combat Gym Leader Bea
- Gigantamax Mackogneur (Raid Battle)
- Gigantamax Monthracite (Battle Raid)
- New Pokémon Shield exclusives
This covers all the new Pokémon and features exclusive to each release, but there is also a load of Pokémon from previous generations that are exclusive. Here is the full list of each version.
Previous exclusives in the Pokémon Sword
Previous Gen Exclusives in Pokémon Shield