It takes a bit of time and a bit of questing to unlock the recipes for these incredibly useful tools. If you're wondering when you'll receive them, just check out the quick guide below for all the details. If you complete quests and complete requests for Tom Nook, Blathers, and your other friends on the island, you won't miss them.
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How to get the Polevault and the shovel
The Polevault and Shovel are handy items that you can use to dig and explore your island further. The shovel lets you search for bugs or buried treasure in the ground, while the Polevault lets you cross rivers so you can get full access to your island.
le Polevault et Leather the recipes are given by Blathers au Museum. Here's all you need to know.
- Build a DIY net / DIY fishing rod after talking to Tom nookand catch insects / fish.
- Donate five insects / fish à Tom nook to gain the ability to place the Museum. It takes a whole day to build the museum after selecting a location for it.
- After a day, talk to Blathers the owl - keep giving wild critters and you will eventually get a reward; the Polevault et Pelle recipe!
The Polevault can be used endlessly, so don't worry if it breaks. You'll be able to explore through the water - and ultimately, you'll be able to build bridges to make it easier to get around.
How to get the scale
The ladder is another special tool that you will get that will allow you to explore the upper parts of the island. No cliff can stop you if you have a ladder close at hand. You will earn them by inviting villagers to your island - you will get the ladder while creating gifts to warm the house!
- Visit has a Mystery Islands - this can be done from Nook Miles machine. Get tickets and start exploring!
- Au Mystery island, invite a villager to move around your island.
- You may need to invite three villagers!
- Wait a day, then talk to Tom nook à acquire land.
- To complete this quest, you may need to invite and place three plots of villagers. But it might not be necessary.
- You will need to build furniture for your new residents - including a Lily wreath. Flowers are mostly found on high spots on your island, so you'll need a ladder to reach them.
This is when you will get the Ladder Recipe and the Bridge Recipe - obviously bridges are much more expensive to build! The ladder is the last item you need to fully explore your island, and you can get it within three days.