How to get Bulbizarre, Herbizarre and Florizarre
While there are a number of Pokemon missing from Pokemon Sword and Shield, Game Freak is happily adding some through future DLC expansions. They also added a few to the game before these expansions, like with Mewtwo and Squirtle. It is also the case of Bulbsaur and its evolutions finally.
For starters, you can easily get a Bulbasaur by downloading the Pokemon Home app to your mobile device, which lets you choose between one of the three original Pokemon. By selecting Bulbasaur here, you can then transfer it yourself to Pokemon Sword and Shield. It is also possible to import Bulbasaur from other earlier versions and then transfer it to Sword and Shield as well.
For those who have chosen a different Pokemon in Home or don't have any of the older games, or just want another Bulbasaur in real Sword and Shield Pokemon, now there is a method for that. Bulbasaur and Herbizarre have now been added to Max Raids which can be found throughout the wild area.
Be sure to start by collecting from the internet in-game or at least downloading the Wild Area News from Mystery Gift. After that start hunting in the wild area for the various raids available. You want to find one that has the figure of Bulbasaur or Florizarre, then throw a party and face them.
These raids are pretty easy to handle overall, especially if you bring in a solid type showdown like fire or robbery. You really don't even need to worry about finding friends or other random live players to help you out either, as the AI partners assigned to you otherwise should be enough to eliminate these matches. Just beat the Dynamax Pokemon and you will have the opportunity to catch it at the end to add it to your party or box.
While you'll find Bulbasaur and Herbizarre in Max Raids, you won't find Florizarre at all. You'll have to evolve into a Florizarre if you want one, which shouldn't be too much of a problem for you.
If you want to get a Bulbasaur or Herbizarre this way, you had better act quickly, as they will only be available in raids until March 1 at 18:59 p.m. ET.