What is Wonder Mail in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX?
Wonder Mail allows Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX players to enter special codes and get free cool stuff in return. Like the mystery gift opportunities, these codes are distributed everywhere. To redeem a Wonder Mail code, go to the main menu of the game and scroll down until you find the Wonder Mail option, indicated by a Bekipan icon. There you will be able to enter an eight character code to receive a specified reward.
Every Wonder Mail code in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Currently, there are 22 Wonder Mail codes that can be redeemed, each with their own unique reward. Two of them unlock missions for various Pokémon, while the other 20 reward items and MT.
Here are all the Wonder Mail codes in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX:
- 991Y5K47 - Mission Wattouat
- 92JMR48W - Mission Lippouti
- R13R6XY0 – Thunderbolt TM
- XNY8PK40 - Brutal SwingTM
- PFXQPCN3 – Bulldoze TM
- P5R9411S – Flamethrower TM
- 90P7CQP9 – Shadow Ball TM
- 3TY1XW99 – Leech Life TM
- N0R7K93R – Energy Ball TM
- W95R91XT – Smart Strike TM
- JR4113QS – Waterfall TM
- XMK5JQQM – Ice Beam TM
- 78SH6463 – Focus Blast TM
- QXW5MMN1 - 3x Orb of rare quality, 3x Inviting Orb, 1x Grodoudou Orb
- 8QXR93P5 – 40x Geo Pebble, 40x Gravelrock, 20x Golden Fossil
- XT498SP7 – 2x Power Drink, 2x Précision Drink, 2x PP-Up Drink
- 25QQTSCR - 1x Power Band, 1x Defense Scarf, 1x Gold Ribbon
- 0R7910P7 - 2x seeds of life, 2x carbs
- 3R62CR63 – 5x Rawst Berry, 5x Chesto Berry, 2x Tiny Reviver Seed
- H6W7K262 - 2x DX Rubber
- XMK95K49 - 1x DX rubber, 1x rainbow rubber
- FSHH6SR0 - Oran Berry x10, Sitrus Berry x1, Reviver Seed x1
More codes will likely be revealed in the future, so keep an eye out for Pokemon's official Twitter feeds for new codes.