Did it really have to turn out like this? The moment we saw that Star Wars: The Fallen Order Jedi fantasy gameplay trailer, which offered a ton of interesting imagery and sparked a spark of hope in all of us. A hope that EA has finally come to their senses and that they want to change things and get back to their roots, when they were trying to do their best to please players, not investors. Now, they've released a new Iron Crown event for Apex Legends, a surprise full of surprises.
The point is, the Iron Crown Collection Event for Apex Legends is something their player has literally begged for over the past few months. One way to present an impressive and engaging event, which would make players excited and eager to come back into the game in order to earn limited and sophisticated rewards. And that's exactly what they've done, with the introduction of the Legendary Hunt event, a great, fun and engaging event while allowing players to earn amazing rewards. Sadly, the Iron Crown event has nothing to do with it and players around the world are outraged and for good reason.
During the Iron Crown event, you can complete specific in-game challenges, which will earn you rewards. To unlock the best event skins and all the major gifts, you need to open the Iron Crown packs. The point is, just by playing you can earn 2 of these Iron Crown packs. To get the other 22, you need to acquire them through your wallet. Well, Apex Legends being a free to play game, and in general the packs are priced at $ 1 each, it would only take $ 22 to unlock them, right? Well, not really ... Unlike the other models, these Iron Crown Packs cost 700 Apex Coins (around $ 7 each), which adds up to $ 154 if you want to get all the goodies (or around $ 140 if you want to get all the goodies). buy at a reduced price. Apex Coins). However, this is not all. If you unlock all 24 packs, you'll also have the option to purchase the Legacy for 3500 Apex Coins. Assuming you managed to get two packs while playing and purchased the remaining 22 packs and the Heirloom, this will all add up to $ 170 (including discounts). But if you don't complete the challenges and have bought everything, it will cost you a total of almost $ 200. Unlike the first edition, The Legendary Hunt, which was engaging and fun, the event feels like a cash grab. It was intended to force people to spend money in order to enjoy the rewards they offer.
So you have two options here, either you play the game, you earn your two Iron Crown Packs, and you pray to the RNG gods for those loots to be… I mean, a surprise mechanic grants you the hide for one of your hands. , or you can open your wallet. Still, there's always the third option, and I'm pretty sure you all know what it is.