Skyla and Swanna can be a tough fight in Pokemon Masters, so in this guide, we're going to go over some simple, but important, points on how to win the fight. Skyla and Swanna might be a 3-Star Sync Pair, but they remain tough and their Synchronous Attack will do massive damage.
Pokemon Masters - How to beat Skyla
The first thing you need to win this fight are the right coaches. Bock is a must, as Swanna is weak towards Rock-types, and Brock and Onix will deal a lot of damage to them. Rosa and Snivy also make a great addition to the team, as the two Pokémon that accompany Swanna are weak against Snivy's attacks.
Level-wise, I would advise you to at least have your sync pairs at level 25 if you want to withstand the damage Swanna will do in this fight and deal enough damage that you can defeat the other team before you erase yourself. If you need to grind or use items to add levels to your trainers, do it.
It's best to focus on the other two Pokémon before you start working on Swanna. Skyla can mitigate them both. It is much easier and faster to remove them than it is to just leave all three of them sitting and hitting you while you focus on Swanna. Just use Snivy to take the two out as quickly as possible. There's a good chance they'll end up trying to focus Snivy out of the fight, but that's actually a good thing, once you both get rid of him before they get rid of Snivy.
After that, you want to use Onix to deal damage to Swanna, as they are the ones that deal damage the best with rock attacks. Whenever you get the chance, use Brock and Onix's Sync Move on Swanna, even if the other Pokémon on their team are still in the fight. Once you've done that and are leveled up properly, you should be able to deal with Skyla and her annoying Swanna.
You should also use any healing you have on Onix if they take damage. If you don't have Onix to face Swanna, you'll never win this fight.