How to beat the GO Tour challengers
Before we get to the composition of the individual GO Tour Challenger teams and counterattackers, there are a few quick tips for beating them that are universal. First, switching Pokémon will cause them to suspend their attacks for a few seconds. Maximize the benefits by placing your first Pokémon in the second or third place on your team, then immediately switch to them to get free attacks. And since these guys won't be using their shields, you should focus on hitting them with as many charged attacks as you can, which will also pause their attacks. Using these two methods, you can beat them quickly by chain attacks.
Each fight with a GO Tour Challenger can be unique, depending on what you encounter. In total, there are 8 different Challengers, each with their own team of Pokémon. You'll know what they have based on what they say before the battle begins, so we've broken them down below, along with a few counters to use against them. Unfortunately, unlike Team GO Rocket Grunts, beating the Challengers doesn't allow you to catch their Pokémon.
Note: Although we know the makeup of the teams, we continue to collect the slogans they use. Check back for updates as the event unfolds.
GO Tour Challenger 1 - "To be determined"
- Persian
- Counters: Lucario, Conkeldurr, Machamp or other fights
- Dragonair
- Counters: Rayquaza, Salamence, Palkia or other Dragon
- Ninetales
- Counters: Rampardos, Kyogre, Terrakion or other water / rock
GO Tour Challenger 2 - "To be determined"
- Charmander
- Counters: Rampardos, Terrakion, Tyranitar or other rock
- Charmeleon
- Counters: see above
- Charizard
- Counters: see above
GO Tour Challenger 3 - "To be determined"
- Ronflex
- Counters: Lucario, Conkeldurr, Machamp or other fights
- Clefable
- Counters: Metagross, Dialga, Roserade or other Poison / Steel
- Wigglytuff
- Counters: Metagross, Dialga, Roserade or other Poison / Steel
GO Tour Challenger 4 - "To be determined"
- Voler Pikachu
- Meters: Excadrill, Garchomp, Groudon or other Ground
- Pikachu
- Counters: see above
- Costume Mimikyu Pikachu
- Counters: see above
GO Tour Challenger 5 - "To be determined"
- Geodude
- Meters: Kyogre, Kingler, Swampert or other water
- Graveler
- Counters: see above
- Onix
- Counters: see above
GO Tour Challenger 6 - "To be determined"
- Darkness
- Counters: Mewtwo, Reshiram, Chandelure or other Psychic / Fire
- Without butter
- Counters: Rampardos, Terrakion, Tyranitar or other rock
- Victreebel
- Counters: Mewtwo, Reshiram, Chandelure or other Psychic / Fire
GO Tour Challenger 7 - "To be determined"
- Nidoran (man)
- Counters: Mewtwo, Alakazam, Espeon or other medium
- Koffing
- Counters: see above
- gengar
- Counters: see above
GO Tour Challenger 8 - "To be determined"
- Flareon
- Counters: Rampardos, Kyogre, Terrakion or other water / rock
- Vaporeon
- Counters: Zekrom, Raikou, Roserade or other electric / grass
- Jolteon
- Counters: Excadrill, Groudon, Rhyperior or other Ground
And that's how beating the GO Tour Challengers in the Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto event. Just look at their squad roster based on the phrase they say before the fight starts, and then pick a squad from the best scorers you have. They shouldn't be the toughest enemies, so don't worry too much and just try to mix things up if you have any issues.